"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Vilma Capuano - Coming home depends on self-care - 31.07.2024


Expect strong evolutionary momentum as you receive the August Energies: new Portals open and more Solar Waves arrive to the next level of healing and transmutation and anchor the frequencies of the 5th Dimension.

The Earth is vibrating in elevated Octaves to assist all to restore the Presence of the Essence itself, therefore adjustment to the resonances of those vibrations.

When we begin the Journey on the Path of transformation to our higher self we think it’s about using gifts and manifesting happiness and we may not like what we are facing. We can't imagine the amount of elimination of toxicity and patterns that collapse our identity formed to survive in 3D that dismantles the sense of values in our life igniting disorientation, anxiety and panic in facing the "unknown".
Many think that they will step on the 5D carrying their personality and keeping all the habits, affections and goods they have gained - they are handcuffs for continuing not listening to the Guidance of the Heart.
“... Because there is no "you" that survives... you awaken from your cravings, your guilt, your expectations, your impossible ideals and all your concepts of happiness.
You collapse into what you were. Transforming awareness to find the wings and fly ”- Jeff Foster
When we're afraid, we limit our choices and close ourselves to alternative possibilities. When we allow ourselves, we enter a new space, as a parallel reality possible in our consciousness but yet without penetrating with our bodies.
THE PROCESS OF SELF-HEALING is gradually performed by conscious or unconscious interventions within each cell by physiochemical signals received by our nervous system. Molecules are physical (chemical) signals and Sunlight and emotions are non-physical signals. There are adjustments in this communication being made by the Codes that carry the particles of Solar Plasma to recognize and eliminate triggers of Fear, Shame, Guilt, which cause feelings of martyrdom, insignificance and victimization. And so we will be able to incorporate the energetic substance contained in the 5th Dimension frequency structure.
Balancing neurochemistry is an essential part of the Self Healing Process.
"There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled. There's a void in your soul, ready to be filled. The truth of the Self cannot come to him who has not yet realized that he is the Self.” ~Rumi
Some practices for releasing toxic hormones from stress and anxiety:
1. In a quiet place, close your eyes and take a deep breath.
• Notice where in your body you experience Fear. What do you look like (shape, color, feelings).
• Allow it to grow... so send everything into the Universe with gratitude. Feel filled with Light. Breathe.
2. • Breathe
Fear controls your breathing Set yourself free.
• Take a deep breath counting to 10 and hold counting to 5.
• Slowly expire counting to five.
• Repeat the cycle 5 times.
3. Write about a specific fear:
• What if I fail? ; What if I win?
Close your eyes and relax. Imagine yourself inside your worst case scenario with everything falling apart. Now drop it all to the core of the earth.
So above your head build a reality at its best scenario.
Surrender to the Joy of this moment. Fill yourself with that new vibe.

"You are inundated with information all day, every day. Fact and fiction, fear and hope, love and hate - each fighting for dominance in your (sometimes) overloaded system.
It's important to remember this; the only one who controls the narrative is you!
There will always be suggestions about what to do, where to go, how to live and love, but it is your choice to decide what is best for you.
If you choose to be loving and are accepting of being pushed into fear, ask why. If you choose to be kind and are accepting of being pushed into judgment, what is the trigger? You are a sovereign creation and free will is yours!" ~Creator by Jennifer Farley
Wilma Capuano

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