"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Judith Kusel - shake-up months and years & Cluster Soul Groups - 31.07.2024

Do not be surprised when the very foundations of the Old Earth start and are already shaking to the very core.
All this needs to happen, and this applies to your own life, as much as to the collective.
All will be shaken: the old belief systems, the old government and social structures, corporations, even the latest seeming unfailing technologies, and whatever else. Things we have come to take for granted, support systems, etc.

The next few months and years are going to be shake-up months, for those old foundations on which we built our lives need to crumble. They cannot function in the New Earth and New Golden Age.

Yet, look at the blessings this brings: Instead of now struggling to keep the old systems going, etc. we now finally can be birthed into something totally new. This applies to the old constitution, institutions, old systems, old orders, whatever.

I am every single morning, now just surrendering, and knowing that I cannot hang onto anything nor anyone any longer. Surrendering to the magical flow and becoming water-like. Fluid. Yet, as the fluidity is there, even plasma-like, it in turn communicates and changes everything around it, to its own highest vibrational frequency bands.

The more one allows oneself to become a mere vessel through which the Divine Masterplan for the new life and new beginnings can be manifested into the form and being, the more inner peace reigns. With it love expands, and I find myself blessing everything and everyone – every single encounter, experience, and even challenges.

When those buttons are being pushed, when you start reacting to whatever it is, you still have healing to do, within. For life is going to being massive mirrors out, and everything is going to reflect right back to all of us, so that we can finally heal and move on.
For the old in truth exists no more. This includes illusions, and delusions,
There is such a blessing in this ever-present moment.
Transfiguration. Transition. Transmutation.

The birth into a totally new and much higher vibrational frequency life, where we all unify as one, even while still retaining and contributing our uniqueness.

What a time to transfigure and be here to not only experience this, but to grow exponentially as soul, through this process, which has never happened before! This is indeed the only reason why we are here, and we knew this and signed up for this, before we were born!
The past is no longer, unless you choose to still live in the past.


I just want to share about Cluster Soul Groups, where more than one Soulgroup merges with other soul groups into a far greater soul cluster groups.
Within such a group your soul can exist and is existing, on multi Universal levels and have soul experiences in many other galaxies, constellations, star system etc. simultaneously, as well parallel lifetimes and existences. 
In all of these your soul will take on many forms, expressions, play out various roles, yet in truth all are one and same you. Your soul is not bound by any of these, as it is pure energy and is experiencing divinity in all forms of creation. 
You are already, as soul, experiencing all of this and more. 
Since January 2024 I am finding that more universal information about the souls I do Soul Readings for is emerging, and the shift and focus now is on the soul's shift into the New Earth and the reminder of what the soul came to anchor into the New Earth, applying all the universal knowledge it has accumulated through all its existences.
I am being told that the focus needs to, and has shifted, from past lives on earth, and which ever acting roles it ever portrayed, into the soul choices in the here and now, and in the present, creating the future, which is already present within the soul!
This is a huge shift!
I often can tap into my cosmic soul self and who and what I am in truth on universal levels, and therefore gain insight about what is happening. 
The cluster soul groups, and soul groups, are very active now on planetary level, as they are here to assist with the full anchoring in of the New Golden Age.
Many of these have been involved with planet earth, since the very beginning, and here to birth the New earth into form and being, and the New Golden Age. 
The past is no more.
The future is here already.
For all is already present within you.
We are in an unprecedented moment when all is one.
Universally one.
And so it is!
And the cluster soul groups are amplifying this!

Judith Kusel
Photo: All credit to the Artist.
source - https://www.facebook.com/judith.kusel

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