"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy - The fallen priestesses, the solar heroes and the resurrection of the solar trinity - 11.07.2024

JULY 11 2024


If you listen to people in the spiritual or astrological community analysing the story of Medusa as if she was the victim of Athena's unfair punishment because she came into sexual contact with Poseidon,
you can definitely know that they have a limited and distorted idea of the meaning of this archetype.
( in some versions beautiful Medusa appears to be raped by Poseidon while being a priestess under an oath of celibacy and in some other versions, she falls in love and willingly consummates with him).
*Also the Medusa story is connected to the poison from certain aquatic creatures that certain groups used in ceremonies of dark magic, sacrifice and death against their victims in order to paralyze them.
And as we have witnessed,
the fallen state of Medusa is connected to a certain technology that fell to the wrong hands and is still used by them to this day.
The same technology had entrapped the masculine in the inner realms.
We could generally say that Medusa is symbolising the young Godly originated and initiated Soul that has certain responsibilities and powers which she enjoys via her god given blessings and privileges
which is now ready to enter a new stage of initiation via test and further development via the unfoldment of the journey.
So suddenly and unprepared she comes in contact
with the powers of the emotional spectrum (Poseidon)
that are connected to the aquatic element and realm.
Leaving Athena who is the expression of God's mind in order to follow Poseidon who symbolises the waters of the subconscious, the unseen and the sexual waters.
A totally different realm of experience.
The contact to these emotions for a young and unprepared being that is in the process of initiation is resulting
in her losing herself in the waves of the lower spectrum of emotions.
The lower spectrum of emotions is where the abyss is and it is the most difficult part for a Soul to move through, integrate and conquer.
The first thing that an inexperienced Soul will feel at this point is that she has been abandoned all alone and unfairly punished (this is part of the fallen process).
A Soul can stay in this immature state feeling alone, angry, revengeful or like a victim for many eons and lifetimes,
looping in the same limited beliefs.
This is increasing her entrappment
without being able to find a way out.
She is
experiencing her fallen version and being
effected by all kinds of demonic entities and urges that are using her head/mind for demonic thoughts and revengeful actions.
Until one day she totally looses her head
from the hands of a Solar Hero.
Perseus comes in and under the guidance of Athena,
he cuts off Medusa's head.
This is the Solar part of creation that comes in to free the Soul because the time for the next phase has come,
Her head, a symbol of experience of the fallen state,
becomes a symbol of protection for others since her Godly qualities are still active and wisdom is important to overcome the difficulties of life.
Upon losing her crazy head/thought process,
Pegasus the winged horse,
sprang from Medusa's severed neck, fathered by Poseidon!
Pegasus is capable of flying and is immortal,
a symbol of power, freedom, grace and Ascension!
There are many different phases in the journey and lessons of the fallen priestesses/souls and Medusa is one of them.
The name Medusa / Mέδουσα
derives from the word μέδω/medo
which has many meanings:
govern, rule, protect, think of someone, count.
Medeon is the archon, the governor.
Another name that has the same root word in it is Andromeda.
The word Andromeda is made from the word ανήρ/aner which means man / andro
and the word μέδω/medo
which again
means govern, rule, protect.
When the lower emotions are left without any guidance from the higher realms it can be very misleading and overwhelming.
But that is just a stage in the overall journey.
Everything is about balance.
In this realm that we are in,
this balance is between the different realms/bodies that we are connected to.
When one overtakes the others, balance is lost.
Darkness is unethical, it has no moral boundaries or moral restraints.
It only seeks to survive and overtake by all means available and destroy whatever opposes this.
In order for One to come back to the Light, reconnection to the higher and true Solar morals and ethics is necessary.
This is why it is essential that we reclaim
again the Right to higher Beauty, aesthetics and KALLOS in everything that we are and do.
Everything is about aesthetics!
This is One's ticket back to True Life.
Ugliness of emotions, thoughts, intentions, actions and creations cannot get One anywhere but spinning in stuckness and oblivion.
Conquering the inner emotional turmoil and frustration is falsely believed by the masculine
that can take place via mental imposition and control.
The next collective lesson for the Masculine
within both men and women,
is the understanding that conquering the inner emotional turmoil,
can only happen via the Resurrection of the Solar inner Trinity!
The Medusa energy is fully activated these days and will intensfy even around the 15th of July.
Bringing great lessons and liberations from the old misunderstandings and patterns.
The mind demons will be seen and if One is willing, they will also clear under the guidance and blessings of the
Solar trinity.
This is the way out of the troubled mind and emotion.

- Coming up:
Those that have the inner call to join this work,
can email me at ourtruespiritualfamily@gmail.com for the details of participation.

The next
• 5D Healing, Surgery Adjustment and Upgrade
is on Tuesday, the 13th of August 2024
At 13:00 Athens time zone
(Suitable for eastern timezones)
Please book your place on time at ourtruespiritualfamily@gmail.com
(+ the names of 3 blood family members
to also receive healing through your process).
Blessings of Wisdom!

Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
I'm on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Join the Telegram channel:

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