"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Vilma Capuano - Solar plasma - Solar disks and atlantas crystals - 23.07.2024


The activation of the Crystal Grade 144 completes the cycle of Ascension.
The more sunspots are observed, the greater the sun's activity and the greater its magnetic field. Geophysicists come as "a window" to high-energy particles from cosmic rays, that easily enter Earth. And the next dawn there is the alert of the penetration of large amounts of Plasma blown by 2 explosions in the G2 category that occurred yesterday.

Solar Disks are multidimensional and were created by the Lemurians eons ago with encoded information - Codes that carry how to connect and stabilize to the Universal Net of Time.
One of your goals is to Balance and Integrate this Time Network so that everyone attains the Higher Understanding of Spirit.
The Disks have been gradually activated, with the contribution of the activation of the Atlantis Crystals, to anchor the Return of Paradise in Gaia. ( Ascension )
your activations are correlated to the 12 STARS OF MARY, the Portals in our brain.
"A Door represents a Vortex/an inter-dimensional portal that allows one to go from one state to another, from one time to another, and from one dimension to another."
"The Stars are the seeding points that allow the first real incorporation of Vibrational Light into this world. They are like Trails or Shortcuts that allow, in the time, to reveal their higher vibration from the head to the Heart and, above all, to reveal them again in the Chakras of the Soul and Spirit, and to resonate throughout the body. ” ~JLA

The activation of the Crystal Light Body, MerKaNa, is a 33 chakras system in the Divine 5aD HUMANity.
Atlantis placed the superphysical crystals of Feminine and Masculine Energy in various regions of the globe, programmed and connected, assessing the future of the Earth to determine where it was appropriate to anchor them uniting wisdom and knowledge for future civilizations.

The Atlantis Masters knew there would be an opportunity to return to Earth in other existences, following the Fall, and they prepared the Crystals as energetic focal points to offer stability.
After the fall of Atlantis, due to the transition of crystals to physical form, many who returned to Earth in different existences suffered amnesia. The activation of these Crystals catalyzes the Remembrance of who they are.

In the phases of Planetary Transition, as the Earth’s vibration continues to rise rapidly, many light beings at the Inner Earth Retreats, safeguarded by the Solar Disks, are working to support and restore the Crystals.

Memories, skills, knowledge, and healing techniques, used at the time of Atlantis, are remembered by some, bringing together the wisdom of past and future on the Cosmic Plane.
Three Wisdom and Healing Atlantis Crystals, which transmit celestial light and energy in the Temple of One and the Temple of Knowledge in Poseida, were transferred dimensionally:

- One in Arkansas (Talimena Ridge)- Blue Crystal of Knowledge activated in 2008, connected to the Emerald Healing Crystal (Mount Maga).

- Another 4 woke up on 9-9-9 - beyond Mt. Shasta, Bimini, and Lake Titicaca, officially introducing the Crystal Age.

- Two in Brazil - of Regeneration (in Minas Gerais of Lemurian origin) and the one of Sound (in the Bay), on 10-10-10.

Everyone keeps empowering raising their radiation to never be used or neutralized again by invaders of the dark forces.
Some of these quartz tips are over 40 feet long.

“The Golden Age Master Crystals of Atlantis accelerated the planetary and personal Ascension. "

“It is not your task to activate the crystals, nor to anchor the vortex; your task is to align yourself with this process of completion, with this activation, with this celestial anchoring of the quantum crystal field. ”

“The activity of the Master Crystals among the Crystal Vortex Portals is accelerating to become one of the most powerful energies on the planet with the contribution of the Galactic Community, and the Syrian-Pleiadian-Arcturian Alliance that maintains underground bases in these areas. ”
“The two most powerful Crystal Vortices on the planet are actually Arkansas and Brazil. ”
“Certain frequency matrices of the Earth’s Grid have different purposes. Areas like Titicaca, Arkansas, Easter Island, Shasta, and Roslyn are major Star Gates.
Civilization at its peak and "ancient" ruins coexist.
It is not necessary to visit such Time Well (telurics) - Crystal Vortices - to enter their anchored dimensions - perception is by the unity of consciousness.
Time and space merge and become nonlinear, and Torus spikes into action. The advanced human can enter them (past-future) through the Mer-Ka-Na (their energy vessel).
Both time and space, as you see, are linear subprograms of the projection of the Earth’s Grade reality that is now merging with the Noosphere. "
Wilma Capuano. Text based on diverse research, especially James Tyberonn.

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