"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Jenny Schiltz - The great unwinding begins - 26.07.2024

The Great Unwinding Begins!

On Saturday evening, Mountain time, we had a huge energy wave that began covering the world. It seemed to roll in like a blanket. It was thick and unlike anything I had seen or felt before.

I had been given hints that this was coming, so I assumed it would be on Lionsgate. Now, I understand that the energy on Lionsgate will only further catapult us into this new era.
I spent the next few days feeling into the new energy and receiving downloads. This energy is all about helping us consolidate our parallel and past-life aspects. It is simultaneously a reset and the beginning of what they call the great unwinding.
We are now having the opportunity to unwind and let go of tremendous amounts of trauma, harmful programming, And the limitations that we hold.

We are also experiencing consolidating or merging with our many aspects. These aspects have learned different lessons and may have healed different things. The more we integrate with these aspects, the more we experience a tremendous shift.
As we unwind, the parallel and past lives, we may understand things differently, allowing us to finally let go.

This is a process; we may feel weepy, overwhelmed, exhausted, and even a resurgence of old emotions. This is a time when we need to be super gentle with ourselves.
You may also experience pain in the back of your chakras. The back of our chakras holds the subconscious, past, and parallel life energies. If you are experiencing this pain, take time to sink into the body and see what arises for you to understand. Bodywork is also super helpful for integrating all of ourselves.

There are a few important things that my team wanted me to share:

We are in a new place:

We have been vibrationally shifted into a new plane that offers the greatest opportunity for high-vibrational expansion that we have experienced to date. We are the creators of our world; we are challenged to create new things and see them differently.

Look at everything through new eyes:

It is important that we clear our filters and look at everything new. As we consolidate our parallel and past lives, we may find that the base programming changes. We may find that the people, places, and things around us shift radically. Therefore, it is essential to look at all through new eyes and remove the baggage we may be holding concerning a person, place, or thing.

It is also vitally important that you look at YOURSELF through new eyes, new understandings, and new perspectives. This shift will allow you to let go and heal on a much deeper level.
Seeing through new eyes is not an invitation to give someone who has hurt, abused, or manipulated you another chance. Rather, seeing through new eyes will help you to understand why you have stayed in, allowed, or believed the abuse. Understanding the core issue is essential so that you do not continue re-creating the situation in the future. It may also allow you to see the higher purpose of all that learning.

The song is no longer playing; time to stop singing it:

The last thing that was said is that we need to make a conscious effort to stop the programming within that keeps us locked in, small, and feeling unworthy.
They shared that it is helpful to see our programming as a song that is continually playing in our minds. For many of us, it has even become a constant background noise that we no longer hear on a conscious level.
That song has stopped playing. This is an incredible opportunity to move beyond the programming that has plagued us for lifetimes. The challenge now is for us to make sure we are not continuing to sing the song.

When the old programming arises, take a moment and tell yourself:

No, that is not true, and it does not exist in this new space.

Do this until the old programming no longer plays.
I am looking forward to seeing how all of this unwinds. It feels like infinite possibilities, and in each moment, we step more into our creator selves.
As we go through this great unwinding, it can look and feel chaotic. Yet, it’s a necessary chaos that will end when we take responsibility for creating the new.
Our job is to avoid getting caught up in the chaos, to not allow our creator's abilities to be manipulated any longer, and to dream a new dream.
We are learning more and more about how powerful we are. Nothing is more powerful than you in your own reality. As we begin to believe this, it is a game changer.
The next Shamanic Distance Healing is Tomorrow, on the Galactic New Year (7/26).
I have been asked to assist with integrating the new energy and consolidating past and parallel lives. The Lion’s Gate portal opens soon, and this healing will help us utilize that incredible opportunity.

If you would like to receive energetic assistance, please sign up. It is $11.11 per person/pet. Here is the link: https://www.jennyschiltz.com/healing-circles/

Take care of you!
Sending you lots of love.

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