"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Vilma Capuano - The spiritual sun behind our Sun - 24.07.2024


Today I received information that the experts were surprised yesterday by the impact of a storm of highly charged particles releasing a lot of radiation on our planet from a massive Coronal Mass Ejection that occurred on the far side of the Sun, which usually does not reach Earth as a storm geomagnetic.
Our Sun hides an etheric planet (orb) which is an entrance that leads to the Spiritual Cosmic Sun, which brings in it the emission of Eternal Light from the Sacred Spiritual Cosmic Sun which provides light to all things in the Universe.
The sequences of transmissions of Solar Flares and Stellar Activations together with the plasma filaments create the etheric Web that connects all stellar consciousness.
The movement of stars, planets, comets, and asteroids affects solar activity and its magnetic field. The intensity of solar plasma emissions are signs of the transformation of our Solar System by interacting with the planetary ionosphere by rapidly changing the shape and direction of the Earth's magnetic field.
Divine planetary and human DNA is activated through communication made with the intelligent plasma emitted by the Sun through Erupts, and magnetic displacement happening on the planet. This restores our blood, brain and neurological systems into a higher function of our authentic Bloodlines.
Our Sun is a Stargate/Star Portal for certain vessels to enter and exit, which has led to conflict for dominance between intruder races. Like the Annunaki race, who took control of the 4th D Portal at Giza, in order to control plasma emissions as a source of energy and galactic traffic.
Coronal Mass Ejections (EMC) are a mass of energy-charged particles that interact with the Earth's ionosphere, changing the shape and direction of the magnetic field.
We're experimenting with massive Solar Initiation of plasma light radiation for the progress of human evolution (or excursion) of individual choice.
Under the pressure of this solar initiation for human evolution, this can produce destructive behaviors in spiritually unconscious and emotionally reactive people, because a breaking of the ego structures is necessary to achieve a collective and personal advancement.
To the spiritually uninitiated, this can seem like a nervous, physical or mental breakdown, when you are forced to change your life.
Our visible Sun is going through an evolution, in which your po. los magnetos are reversing, to alter their transmissions to the planets of that area in the amplified frequency of the 7D Violet Ray.
This change also alters the role of the Ursa Major Constellation, in which its seven major stars are merging forces with their counterparts, the Seven Sister Stars of the Pleiades on the higher cosmic planes, uniting the Seven Sacred Suns into One.
This new cosmic alignment changes stellar architecture and our personal spiritual centers - coronary chakra, third eye (pineal), heart, physical brain, and vibrational thought forms.
This modification also affects particles of matter.
The body is adjusting to a new sense of time and space, as well as grounding mechanism. The internal clock of the body goes out of the ordinary, and there is exhaustion by the ability to incorporate higher solar frequencies into cells.
When we dedicate ourselves to our spiritual development, this transmutation will correct ourselves through the rising consciousness in each of us.
When we advance in dimensional frequency bands, we are exposed to more Eighth Dimensional, therefore, more potential future Timelines, where are the "identity stations", called Souls, Monads.
These spiritual identities make up the parts of the Body of Light, or integral spiritual body of our forgotten future self.
This is why those on the path of spiritual Ascension continuously experience their spiritual-energy healing by finding the cellular memories on the Timelines that present themselves for compassionate witness, which allow us to recover and collect our spiritual bodies, extracting alien slavery programming and eliminating mind control implants, to embody our true inner Christian spirit.
As the planet passes through the present Solar Initiation, there is a tremendous influx of "pranic" life force being generated through the new quality of plasma that is being received from the Spiritual Soils. As our pranic respiratory tube expands and widens, parts of our body of light activate what was dormant and blocked.
Revelations based text/ channeling from Lisa Renee at

"With the flood of information from your physical and energetic worlds, you may be feeling a little overwhelmed. Opinions, thoughts, facts, and data begin to accumulate and vie for your attention, making everyday life a little more challenging. The Universe would like to remind you to Breathe! Even if it doesn't feel like it now, you are learning, growing, and adapting in amazing ways. Keep up the good work!" ~ Creator by Jennifer Farley

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