"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Trump assassination attempt & July "sky" event

 You have probably already read or heard that a failed assassination attempt was made against Donald Trump in Pennsylvania while he was at a campaign rally. The shot hit his ear, one people died and two others injured. Political theatre or a real attempt? 50/50 



Pam Gregory 

"Just before everyone asks, as I have mentioned in a couple of my updates that the current Mars-Uranus conjunction is conjunct Donald Trump's Midheaven, representing sudden shocks and surprises (Uranus) that can be violent (Mars) linked to his visibility, status and career. Mars and Uranus are also conjunct a Fixed Star Algol linked to 'losing your head', and this is presumably where the shooter was aiming."

source - https://www.facebook.com/pam.gregory.775

Also there is a Mars - Uranus - Algol conjunction coming up from Monday. 

Beyond Mystic and Tarot by Janine made a Breaking Woos episode about the assassination attempt against Trump - you can watch it here, 


where they analysed videos and decoded what happened with the help of tarot cards. 

In conclusion, the Trump team and security people knew about this assassination attempt, but they let this card be played, maybe that was why the security team hesitated and ignored the assassin for a while. Trump also prepared and he had a bulletproof vest, as a bullet-hit tear could be seen on his clothes. He got 3 shots. 

Do you remember the Illuminati cards, in which they already decoded what to expect? If you don't know about it, you should look it up online. It is interesting that the line is as if it were a sniper shot and it is brushing right by his ear. All is scripted till the game over?

The interesting thing about the whole thing is that this event is a "prelude" to "something" - maybe military and another lockdown in the future. Also will happen in the coming weeks, which the spiritual community and astrologers have already announced - July 15 - i.e. next week we can expect some kind of "sky event" that will divert attention from the USA about what happened in. 

For example here the article from Cosmic Gateway -


The rumble video I shared also covers this event. 56 minutes - we are going to see something what we never saw - something new - may nature drive - solar flare, something fiery and intense. Something what will effect our nervous system and physically effect us - visuals like "Fatima event". The cards are keep it as a secret, need to experience it. 

Out of curiosity, I also put a tarot card on this event, although I'm not good at interpretation, but my card confirmed that there will be a "sky" event in July. When I specifically asked what this event will be, I received quite a few wand cards that were all fiery, passionate, fast moving and energy. Everyone will react to it differently. 

I asked my spirit guides about it and they said "a blue"... now that doesn't tell me much, it could be "blue beam" or the blue of the sky is changing as Alisha says in her post.

The other interesting thing is that a few days ago I had an interesting dream where we went through an invisible portal with someone (I didn't see him, I just heard his voice) and on the other side we saw the same world. We talked about how the "energy" of that world affects and transforms ours like take it over. The strange thing was that we didn't meet people, but we saw abandoned houses, like in post-apocalyptic movies. 

I would also like to mention the new update by Jason Estes, where the power circuit will play the main role "will be some of the biggest changes you have seen. remember that while it may seem chaotic and confusing, this time was always meant to be a change that would usher in humanity next physical phase so like birthing pains."

And to this I would add Eirini's articles (Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy), according to which the "medusa technology" will be removed, which is in line with Cobra's report that the process of disentangling the Lurker from the surface population started.

Whatever it is, maybe it will be revealed next week or this month...

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