"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Judith Kusel - soul mission & rise the New Earth - 17.07.2024

My higher guides, keep telling me that the soul mission and purpose and calling, and to fully step into this, is more important then anything else, and this includes all relationships.
Because of the New Earth and New Golden Age, being fully anchored in by 2032, we have to now all be fully engaged in fulfilling our mission and purpose.
This takes discipline and daily focus.
We are in acceleration of everything, and as more cosmic portals open and with the escalation of the sun flares and cosmic energy inflow, the soul's greatest mission, needs now to come into fulfillment on all levels.
If a soul does not fulfill its mission and purpose, it will always feel a deep inner void. For it is not being true to its higher soul self, in some way or another.
I am sharing this from my heart and soul and with love.
For very few souls are realizing the immensity of what is happening on all levels now, and many do not wish to be pushed out of their comfort zones. Yet, it is inevitable and nothing will be the same anymore.
This is a new life and new beginning.
Of course you have free will and choice, but the framework stays the same, whether you choose to live it or not.


When we finally understand, there is no need to defend, nor attack nor to fix anything, our consciousness expands, beyond the old earth and all within her.  All has served a purpose and it has served us well.
Rise the New,Earth and the new humanity of souls who finally mastered the lessons of the old earth duality and realize, there is no separation and in truth, there is only love. They are now ready to apply and live their truth, with love and wisdom, cocreating unity and oneness.
Not because they lack battle scars - but because they chose to heal, to love, to have open hearts and arms and to fully embrace new visions, dream new dreams, embrace new inspiration and above all: They choose to become whole once more. 
In love, with love, through love.
Living love!

Photo: All credit to the artist.

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