"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix


Heard in Brazil, which rarely happens, has affected geological faults in various regions.

The Grid of Light surrounding the Earth is being reconstructed by activating sacred Law Lines that undermine the Original Earth, the planet’s network of vortices, portals, and chakras connected to the 12 Solar Disks in activity since 2012: everything is interconnected in this massive realignment for higher frequencies.
Ground Centers also fulfill their missions.
There is an Intraterrestrial Center near the province of La Rioja (Argentina) that houses the Talampaya Retreat, which keeps records of the evolution of all the consciences that have passed through this planet.
And assumes an exchange mission with the Licancabur volcano, in the Atacama desert, Chile, for cosmic communication.
Atacama is a vortex that channels the Feminine Energy of the Universe and the energy of the Earth;
and Licancabur the Male and Solar Energy.
Talampaya is connected to the Ibera Planetary Center for the manifestation of the laws on the Elemental Kingdoms, and it has superphysical bases serving specific functions at each Cardinal point, on a hexagonal belt, for internal protection.

Position North: the first base, is operated by the Pleiadian people and has a mission to build the interior of Mitakunah.

South Position: directed by Orion and Venus.

Western Position: you are in charge of indigenous civilization.

East Position: that of the dominant consciousness, according to energy of the movement of the rays that carry information to the cosmos.

Within the Retreat there are two subtle points:

The Green Base, of the Solar Logos, acts as a Consciousness in communication with the most evolved civilizations in our Resident Universe. IT IS A COMPACTIVE ENERGY THAT IS FORMED TO GO DOWN TO THE MATERIAL PLANE AND POLARIZE, BECOMING TECTONIC ENERGY.

Within the Green Base Crystals are activated as tools of assistance to humanity in three different aspects: the material physical, the mental and the soul; and act to dissolve records of the mind, soul and spirit that block evolution, either of this incarnation or of the past for reprogramming and upper level realization.

In the area there is a Valley of Crystals, an extension to the power that the Erks Planetarium Center acts with.

Brazil acts as a great receiver and transmitter of the new Bio-Crystaline coding of Earth and Humanity.

We are receiving apexes of high frequency codes to accelerate the transformation of the auric field and the 33 Chakras system of the Divine Human Crystal Light Body.

The major Earth Chakras, like the thousands of auxiliary chakras, form Earth consciousness – interconnected with all human consciences in the Ascension movement.

So much to say and study these days.

Vilma Capuano

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