"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Celia Fenn - July 19th : The Book of the Lions and Being and Becoming - 2024

Last night, at about 3Am I was awakened by the Royal Star Lions. They wanted to start giving me wisdom from their Sacred Text "The Book of the Lions".
I wanted to sleep.
We came to a deal in which I received the text and went back to sleep with the promise toi write it down next morning. Which I did. But I could not remember all of it, so tonight I will have a pad and pen next to my bed if they wake me again, as I am sure they will.
The message from the "Book of the Lions" was on the topic of BEING and BECOMING. They said to me that in the past we have seen these two aspects of life as separate and even opposite or complementary. But here is what they say:
"Being and Becoming are One. You move between them on the Golden Flow of Sacred Time. You must first Be in order to Become, and you need to Become in order to fully appreciate who you are and what you can do and create and Be. And this dance of Being and Becoming moves upwards on the spirals of Light into ever more expanded fields of Joy. For that is how it was created at the beginning so that you might keep expanding in joy into infinity and beyond. We are the Royal Star Lions of the Elohim."
Yes, the Joy Principle is the principle of evolution into Higher Consciousness. As we approach the 2024 Lions Gate 888 we will learn more and feel more of these waves and spirals of deep Soul Joy.
Please join us for our LIons Gate webinars where you can learn more about the Jopy Principle and the Book of the Lions". Information in the first comment.

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