"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Vilma Capuano - Acceleration of Emotional Purge & How to touch your conscience - 15.07.2024

How are you feeling from yesterday to today?
Are memories of past events gradually coming to mind? Are they confused, dumb and out of focus?
Acceleration of Emotional Purge is on the order of the day preparing us for the completion of the Great Shift.
"Anchor Yourself: There is absolutely nothing in the Soul Manual that says you must stay connected to mass consciousness and whatever it is presenting you at this moment.
Instead of allowing yourself to be plagued by overwhelming emotions and feelings, set aside a moment and anchor yourself in your Heart. Allow yourself to connect with the Universe and feel the Unconditional Love constantly flowing through you.
You always have the choice to decide which path to take in your world. "
"Take a look at what's happening... does it look familiar?
The Universe has been preparing those who have Awakened for a grand scale event... this is it!
Take some time to remember your personal Awakening process before you understand what was really going on... now multiply that.
This is the time to take everything you've been practicing and put it to use. Ask the Universe to show you the truth of the situation and adjust accordingly. You know how to bring unconditional Love and Light into any situation. It's time to get started! " ~Creator by Jennifer Farley



When confronting the anomalies of the mind by negative emotions and thoughts while plunging into the depths of your nature, asking for Light, be ready to experience everything that brings resistance to you.

The Light will illuminate all your dark places, and in your Awakening you understand that what you saw was an illusion in the "dream" of this reality, and thus dissolves the false identity.

“The only thing that the ego (lower self) cannot achieve is the true nature of who you are. Anyone who has ever had a glimpse of Awakening considers it a shock because they realize they always had what they were trying to achieve in life - that is self-realization. " ~Adyashanti
The memory of one's own origin is then achieved. We realize that "We are the Self, dreaming that we are a person in search of the Self." ~Mooji
By being fixed on the anomalies of the mind you remain disconnected from the Path of wise energy of the Sacred Heart.

“The energy of the heart possesses the essence of the higher dimensions of Life. When we are aligned with it we become multidimensional; consciousness expands to a higher eighth of vibration making us vulnerable to fear. When we transform the quality of energy in our consciousness, we transform the quality to all who are open to it. ” ~ Kenneth Schmitt
"When you recognize that there is a voice in your head that pretends to be you and never stops talking, you are awakening from your unconscious identification with the flow of thoughts - you realize that who you are is not the voice - the thinker - but the one who is aware dis. Knowing yourself as the consciousness behind the voice is Freedom.

If you think: "The thoughts I'm having now are making me unhappy," this perception breaks your unconscious identity with them... you have left the selfish mental pattern ... By giving your full attention to this moment, a much greater intelligence enters your life. ~ Eckhart Tolle in Stillness Speaks
The “Time of the Blossoming of the New Seed of Divine Light”, the Golden Age of HUMANity, has been initiated, in which the entrances to other dimensions will be reopened, and all the Bloodline codes of the gods directly connected to the stars have been released. We are from the stars

Andean shamans indicate the Way: - "Follow your own steps. Learn from rivers, trees & stones. Honor Christ, your brothers and sisters Honor Mother Earth and the Great Spirit. Honor the Mother Sun. Honor yourself and the entire creation... Look through the eyes of your Soul and commit yourself to the Essence”.
“With all the recent changes and new developments, you may feel a little unbalanced and looking to establish a new normal. One of the most important things to remember is to release fear! Think of all the things you have been through, the challenges you overcome This is just a moment in time. You will come out on the other side with more Knowledge, and you may become one of the wise elders who say, “I remember when... ” ~Creator by Jennifer Farley
Wilma Capuano

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