"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Celia Fenn - Channel from Archangel Michael - Royal Star Lions - 11.07.2024

Channel from Archangel Michael :

Dearly Beloved Friends, I share with you at this time, an entry from the “Chronicles of the Elohim Angels”, the Founders of the Golden Rose Galaxy.

“Once, when Time began, a race of Sacred Beings called the Royal Star Lions, entered the Galaxy at what is known as the Lyran Star Gate. They are the Time Engineers of the Multiverses, and they came to create the Time Spiral Grids that would allow Beings within the Galaxy to create Upward Spirals of Joy and Evolution as they travelled through Space in their journey of Becoming and Being.

For the Planet Earth, the Sacred Planet, created to be the site of Sacred energies unfolding, the Star Lions chose the Portal of the Lions Gate in the star sign of Leo to be the portal when Time could be adjusted and recalibrated as another Time Spiral commenced. For the beings living on Earth, this provided a chance to make new choices and align with intentions and possibilities.”

With the coming of New Earth and the reactivations of the original Blueprints and Templates, the original Time Template of the Royal Star Lions has been reactivated. This is based on the 8-pointed star and includes, within the Sacred Year, the Four Time Portals (8/8 on August 8th, 11/11 on 11th of November, 2/2 on 2nd of February and 5/5 on the 5th of May) as well as the two Equinoxes (March and September) and the two Solstices (June and December). As you follow this Sacred Galactic spiral “Dance of the Hours”, you spiral upwards towards the Heart of Love and Joy. You are deeply blessed as you expand with the Divine Heart.
Always Being and Becoming into Infinity.


The Grace of the Lions is knowing that you are supported in your journey through Time and Space. It is not a chaotic jumble of experience, as it may seem at times, but a sacred and purposeful movement around arcs of Time/Space that begin and end at the Lions Gate, and which is renewed and reactivated annually at a higher level of consciousness if you so desire.
Not only that, but also knowing that the purpose of life and the journey itself, is ever increasing and expanding levels of Joy and Love! Indeed, a blessing of Grace from the Divine Heart and the Royal Star Lions.

This year, the Lions Gate is an 8/8/8 energy vortex, which occurs once in a nine-year cycle on Earth. This provides an extra energy boost that enables you to take a Quantum Leap in your evolution if you so desire. Since the Eclipse in April, you have been on a rapid upward trajectory that will anchor into the new cycle at the 8/8/8.

Beloved Ones, celebrate the gifts of the Elohim and the Grace of the Royal Star Lions. Know that Joy, or the Joy principle, is the key to upward evolution into ever more Joy, Grace and Abundance.

The Love and Joy is within you, and it expands the more you focus on infusing your Time Spirals with Love and Joy in your daily life. This is one of the basic principles of the Chronicles of the Elohim Angels.

If you would like to learn more about how to access the Joy Principle and the Grace of the Lions, please join us for our 5-part webinar series for the Lions Gate. The series is led by Celia Fenn and is an immersive experience with Activations from Archangel Michael and the Royal Star Lions and other Being of Light.
Details of how to learn more and book your place in the first comment below.

Dear friends, female friends and community, this year the beautiful and inspiring Portal del Lion is a Portal 8/8/8 or triple 8. This is a powerful energy vortex and represents a Quantum Leap forward and upward.
We've been preparing for this moment since the April Eclipse.

As you may know, the Lion Portal is the beginning of the Galactic and Planetary New Year. It is when we begin a new spiral of Creation in our lives that connects to the 8 points of light in the Sacred year.

Please join us for this first 888 New Earth Portal. It will be a defining moment in which you will feel empowered to step into your Mastery and Create your new Time Spiral. You will join our community in a 5-part webinar series where you will dive into the experience of Love, Grace, Beauty and the onward and upward movement of spiritual and soul evolution.

The webinar series is led by Celia Fenn and consists of 4 one-hour webinars and a participatory 30-40 minute Ceremony 888. There will be recordings available of all meetings online, which will be available if you cannot attend in person. Recordings and course notes will be available to each participant on the webinar access page.

The online seminar series starts at 21:00, Cape Town Time (UTC+2) on Saturday, July 27, 2024

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