"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Vilma Capuano - How to navigate through the ups and downs - 07.07.2024


“When you are detached, you gain a higher vantage point from which to view the events of your life, rather than being trapped within them.” ~E.Tolle

“When you begin to have enough perception to see the emptiness or illusion of these mental and emotional structures it is liberating, but simultaneously you go through a very disorienting phase because your consciousness no longer has the structures around which you have oriented your entire life. ”~Adyashanti

The current intensification of Cosmic Waves bathes us with Codes of Light to begin the new planetary cycle through dimensional change, catalyzing an inner movement towards Awakening, to leave spiritual amnesia, in a realignment to access the Keys that allow us to unlock, open the Door of Receiving Blessings – and magic finally happens in our lives.
The integration of expanded vibrational Frequencies promotes physical, mental and emotional detoxification for the incorporation of the Body of Light and the activation of gifts, of innate tools, to manifest Wisdom and Self-Healing while incarnated.
The more dissatisfied you are with yourself, the more you are giving up your power, the more disappointment you will see around you, because we all see the world through our own energy field. The more pessimism you feel, the more you will place yourself as a victim in a mental framework that directs your energy to remain in drama and scarcity.

Thinking about the uncertainty about tomorrow, you block your opening to Receive today, because you stop being in a mindset of appreciation & gratitude to focus on Lack - and this obsession prevents you from achieving your Abundance.

Awaken to begin the process that activates your higher aspects, anchoring Coherence and Integrity, and realizing when your vision for life's circumstances is distorted.

Along with the opening of the Sirius Gate, Lilith, the Black Moon, entered the sign of Libra - The Balancer - remaining there for nine months, to support us in remembering and contacting the Power within, the strength to say "NO" and to move away from certain situations.

The Mental and Emotional Center, when developed, allows us to access the source of real identity and abilities in the Sacred Heart - there we know who we are, without ties to the past or people's judgment, providing a feeling of comfort, Love and Self-Valuation.

At some point in spiritual amnesia, our Heart closed, blocking this divine flow, leading us to an emotionally anesthetized life through a false identity based on Guilt, Shame and Fear.

This has led to pleasing others, achieving things and standing out, creating a story about yourself, and even "doing drama", in an overt or hidden/manipulated way to feel "strong", because you feel insignificant, "not good enough".

These are the foundations of life in the Illusion built by 3D, and can be reversed by the spiritual restoration of the Self.
Vilma Capuano

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