"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence - Just incase - 05.09.2024


I have devoted this wall completely to supporting and helping freely, in my own little ways for 10 years (of my nearly 12 years of awakening). Always from the deep love within me .

Just in case I get booted off at any time in our collective storyline, you can find me on Utube. Within my Utube channel, is a section header called “Community”. This is where I ALWAYS add the written posts. There is a wealth of videos there explaining many topics as support, not just for spiritual path and stages, but also help and support to any human being struggling with being ‘human’.


My website address is:

Over these months I will create a very basic website just as a starter. I will be creating it myself in order to reduce my own costs of website creation. Yet I’m a bit fussy about design (as I use to be a graphic designer) and so it HAS TO FEEL exactly as I know it is to FEEL as ENERGY expressed to you. It will go live when I’ve created the basic layout of:

1] The Written posts (just like here).

2] All Videos of support

In time this will be expanded into more.

I reiterate my website is NOT active yet. But you may want to make a note of the website address amandalorence.org in case anything happens to this wall.

And as always, the information of posts and videos on the website will be freely given to all around Mother Earth, that resonate. I’ll ensure it’s convertible to any language too. Where on the website, if you wish to support, a donation is always going to be deeply appreciated as a way of supporting me, support you. At the moment donations are via PayPal. But I’ll create alternative ways on and via the website as I know some have asked for an alternative to PayPal which I don’t currently have.

So it’s very exciting and God Source is always supporting us all. In very VERY beautiful in-depth ways.
For now I am knowing to be in stillness, quiet, and off social media for September, due to my path stage.
Up we go. I love you.

All my love, and my support, always,
5 September 2024

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