"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Vilma Capuano - Who are you? - 04.08.2024

Intention is important when you dive within yourself because it begins to open the door to your Higher Consciousness.
"When you realize it's not about the world, but about yourself, ... The fire lights in her eyes... your wings will grow.
You take off into the sky
When they see you, everyone admires and wishes to do the same, so that they are no longer confined to the ground.
Soon they realize that with your wings of fire you left a trail for them to follow. "~ Akshay Vasu
"Going Within" is simply being with yourself, creating moments of Stillness to calm the mind and clear the clutter, allowing more space for higher thoughts to enter.
We go inside without realizing when we take our focus off the outside world, even repetitive tasks like mowing the lawn, washing dishes, sweeping. Reading or watching a movie
Singing, painting, playing an instrument; walking in Nature. Or laying in bed before sleep or relaxing when you wake up. Taking a full break.
“Spiritual growth is painful because you’ve avoided a thousand and one pains in your life. Avoiding them they will accumulate Swallowing your pains they remain in your body.
This is why spiritual growth is painful. When you start to Grow, when you decide to Grow, you have to face all the pains you suppressed. You can't just get around them." ~Osho
“Everyone wants healing, but most are afraid to touch their wounds for fear of pain. Fear is always protecting something. Fear is a keeper; and what it is keeping is what needs to be identified. ~are you afraid to open this door... Sri Prem Baba
"Open the doors to the cellars of your soul and cleanse your inner temple. Until you become conscious, the unconscious will run your life, and you will call it DESTINY. " (C. Jung)
Wilma Capuano

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