"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Vilma Capuano - What are the numbers and portals - 08.08.2024


"Numbers are cosmic forces, active principles, that balance and organize everything that exists in the Universe. These intelligent entities, endowed with the purest faculties and virtues, work alongside God. Physically, numbers are symbolized by algorithms... which are the geometric representatives of these entities, of those forces that constitute the structure of the Universe. “ ~O Frame
The Universal Mind creates the Frequency to manifest “Form in Matter” through the harmony of Numbers in sacred Geometry, Sound (vibration) and Color.
Numbers bring meaning to realities, as Pythagoras concluded, affirming that the essence of the world lies in Number as a result of the merger between the infinite and the limited—making what was perceived as matter immaterial.
During numerical sequences on specific dates in our calendar, this energetic pulse of Codes is like a spiral vortex and a transmitter of energy – the pure information of Light.
Open Portals to interact with the universal streams of Codes that are the manifestation of energy synchronized with the Cosmic Clock acting to shift 3D reality.
As part of Creation, the human being inhabits their body as a portal for the manifestation of their Spirit in this world, allowing subtle influences from the Higher Realms to act upon the matter.

Sequence 888 activates a Portal that brings in the vibration of Infinite Expansion, serving as a nudge for access to another timeline.
It can bring miracles if we remain self confident in discernment and good judgment by listening to inner guidance.
Portals carry a specific Code and precision for the moment of entry into Mother Earth, which anchors and releases this high-frequency Light into its Crystalline Grid, radiating from its Core the pulse of connection to the new Galactic Timeline, contributing to restoring alignment with the Self.
Individual DNA communicates with the Cosmos on a new level to overcome and replace individual distortions through constant levels of unlocking sent by the planetary, stellar and solar Consciousnesses that interact with Source.
The physical body has thousands of chakras/portals for interaction with the flow of subtle forces. Quantum healing therapies activate certain portals into the flow of these energies.
3D reality can be embedded in the Human Senses as dimensions begin to overflow and you enter a process of liberation to take a new evolutionary step.
"If nothing makes sense, if your support bases have disappeared, and the mind is cloudy, and the body is exhausted ... It is not a mess, it is a rite of initiation.
You are owning yourself at your own pace.
Have moments to create space for pain, doubt, fear, anger. Let your feelings take over you. They want to be heard and released. Don't let them get buried.
The Hathors, 12th D beings, teach: "Humanity is entering a new paradigm... This reality is happening in one heartbeat at a time, with one human being at a time. Every human being who becomes aware of the power of healing the wounds carried in their heart center...
It is the Service that every human being is required to render. The portal of the heart is designed to serve as a gateway to the Stars.. and why we can broadcast it to you. "
Wilma Capuano
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