"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy - Earth´s arena - 06.08.2024

AUGUST 6 2024

Every major portal on earth that people consider important or holy has its real location many kilometres/miles below the surface of the earth.
For all our major initiations we have been taken to places like these.
We have witnessed the different layers of soil or mud that have been laid upon the previous arena floors as this takes place after each reset,
a total cover up of the previous civilization and a new phase of th le game begins as new souls enter the arena.
The layers are uncountable.
One civilization is built on top of the other and it seems that there were only certain original energy sources/portals from the beginning of this construct/machine
that are still the ones that attract attention even if they are very deep in the underground.
And I am not only referring to the cycle of civilizations that humanity is aware of,
I am talking about really ancient civilizations from previous creations in this arena, unknown and totally forgotten.
After each reset
the new souls come in from different realms and the underground areas and are choosing to have an experience here for another big cycle.
Of course those souls that want out,
are free to go and move to a different reality or exit.
These layers of earth's soil hold memories and karma.
They do not forget and karma is not being erased from the people who lived upon them but whenever a major physical reset comes, karma must be rebalanced somehow.
This is why we are already watching drama and karma playing out and we will watch more of it in other places of the world that still carry karma that must be rebalanced.
The SIM.
Humanity is preparing for another major physical reset with its different phases estimated to be completed within the next 30 years.
The closer humanity is getting to these resets the more it will realise what is really happening and how and why the dark families were manipulating the truth.
The manipulation was never about money,
it was always about keeping humanity in division and having the power, means and resources to survive the resets and resurface to take over again and prepare for the next one as these beings cannot have access to their higher Being and Source in order to exit.
And in all of this, they have been extremely successful!
The Living Ones who want out can achieve it via their Higher Self and Source.
This has happened so many times in the past and it will happen again!
This 888 gate is of extreme importance as the Light is here.
This Light is coming from the inner central Sun and is here to prepare the Living Ones to exit when the time comes.
This whole process is connected to the SIM.
August is all about breaking the inner loops.
The inner loops include all the false information that one has been adopting and cultivating concerning life in this system.
There is still so much oblivion and misinformation going around even among the most awake because of the SIM and long lack of healthy self appreciation.
But we need to be open to the dissolution of anything that is false.
This will be the great Unlearning!
This is my personal favourite and most exciting part of Ascension
which I have been waiting for for many years and I know that many others feel the same as me!
We are just beginning!

- Coming up next
Those that have the inner call to join this work
can message me for the details of participation.
*Also please note that the 5D Spiritual Surgery
on the 13th of August,
has been moved to 16:30 Athens time zone.
Blessings of unlearning!

Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
I'm on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000

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