"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Cosmic Gateway - Solar Flares & Upgrades to the physical body - 06.08.2024

Hey Soul Tribe
How are you travelling?

Since we moved into August, have you noticed the new space that's being unveiled?
Which seems to open up more and more each day.
We have had an entire week of continuous Solar Flares & just in the past 24hrs we had two X Class Solar Flares which have come through. These Energies have been working deep into the Cells of our Bodies & Energy Field preparing us to access new Pathways
From what I'm piecing together this is due to upgrades that are happening within our physical bodies. There is a tone of soul aspects merging into our physical vessels presently. This is due to the collapse of many timelines & breakthrough the time loops we've previously been in.
This bringing us into more wholeness and unified within one reality, which completely changes the nature of reality as we experience it.
This phase can also be experienced as a deep clearing... in the same fashion as this energy of soul aspects comes in... It could also bring up deep seated wounds, childhood memories or energy to clear out. Remember this occurs so you can create more space to hold more of your soul essence.

Noticeable Reality changes:

Seeing more energy in physical cloud form moving through the room or home. Sometimes white or rainbow colours
Feeling as though living in a constant dream like state ~ Where the this reality & dream world seem to morph & blending as one
Needing lots of time to sleep & rest as the body is trying to assimilate all these changes
Noticeable buzzing & energies moving through the lower half of the body, waist down, almost as though you're being plucked out of 3D density
Lots of energy concentrated on heart & middle back as soul merging takes place
Seeing flashing lights or colours with physical eyes ~ feeling electric energy in the head ~ Popping cracking sensations
Energy surges in the feet as though it's connecting with the new grid system available
Moving back & forth between realms/realities ~ connecting with beings who are given instructions or information that give insight to your next mission or beings downloaded with codes for new pathways & soul purpose.

The insight given to navigate this phase:

The importance of staying very present & in the now moment
Keeping your energy in a space of incubation as this merging & upgrading happens incrementally
Need to be still, silent observing the newness as it unfolds
Don't try to project further into the future or work out what's next through our linear minds as we've moved into a Quantum space.
Until the upgrading is complete any future projection based on our current understanding is not accurate to where we are truly moving towards as this is completely new terrain
As we stay present just feel our way through & allow our heart & joy be our best guide
So much new opening up and available to access we just have to tune into our bodies & allow the soul self to guide us through.

Join the 888 Soul Journey:

What have you been noticing?
This is such a profound time we are moving through because we've all worked so hard individual & collectively to arrive at this point!
We should all be so incredibly proud!

Much love to everyone
Alisha Braché

Connect for a Personal Soul Sessions:

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