"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence - Integration & the current transitional passageway - 01.08.2024


INTEGRATION of all incoming energies usually takes approximately 2-3 days. Upon which more is sensed…

BEING SENTIENT, opens up light data which becomes knowing. Knowing is very different to a belief system. Knowing is always of total Neutrality. It’s just LIGHT DATA unpackaged within us.

The INTEGRATION of the recent VERY STRONG and highly charged Incoming Energies has opened up the data that we are ALL within an ENERGETIC TRANSITIONAL PERIOD. Perhaps for two weeks or so. Yet the transitional period is UNIQUE and DIFFERENT for every being experiencing. Unique to you, for you, no other.



What do I mean by this? Let me explain:

Everyone’s energy frequency (hertz) ALWAYS fluctuates, in every moment. Within many stages of the embodiment stages we can drop in our energy frequency substantially. That IS part of the journey to do so. This happens through our CHOICES which we have to take responsibility for. We choose something, we act upon it, we THEN have an experience, our energy frequency lowers as we have dropped our frequency state of consciousness into a lower frequency bandwidth (dimension). We then get to notice our OWN cycling of a pattern we have acted upon that created the fall. We were able to do this (and still many will do this in these years ahead) because our OWN UNIQUE energetic ‘doorways’ remained OPEN within our OWN SPIRAL and CERTAIN STAGES of our embodiment process.

Since the integration of the recent incoming energies, and this now TRANSITIONAL PERIOD that has arrived, it feels certain energetic ‘doorways’ we may have gone back through (to see cycles/patterns), have energetically CLOSED for SOME beings. It is very hard for me to explain this in the human language of words, as it is known and felt energetically, through FEELING ENERGIES, through sentient being.


Increased energies received to the HUMAN BODY and MIND can and will put people around this world into an UNRELAXED state of being. An inability to mentally cope in neutral ways of being. I’ve explained this subtly before. Examples are: Nervousness, insecurities of the mind, not knowings that create panic or worry, confusions in the mind, adverse reactions, hysteria, delusion (thoughts that have no grounding or baring on what is), increased anger etc. Dependent on the personality type, this can LEAD to sudden actions of the personality CHOOSING MORE ILLUSION, as a way of seemingly getting on top of their emotions, seemingly feeling safe, seemingly feeling in charge again of their lives. These actions will be related only to the alluring ‘jouissance’ of human life lived AS the programmed personality acting out, and making choices WITHIN the illusion.

To understand everyone is experiencing the increased ENERGY and it’s increased INTENSITY differently. That will keep intensifying for some time. Energy is neither good or bad, it’s just ENERGY at variable FREQUENCIES. How we interpret and react to them creates our next moment and reality. Some will soar in wonder, peace, bliss, the PRESENCE of SOURCE within them and outside of them, via their inner increased energetics, outside of their human personality IDENTITY, outside of the illusion/holographic paradigms. Whilst others in lots of different ways and by so many different degrees, may struggle in INTENSITIES. Mental and emotional struggle is through primarily identifying as the overlay, beliefs etc of the human personality being the dominant state of being. But to KNOW the innate power of choice each have in any moment. Of what to give focus and energy to. We each have a choice in how we respond to increased energies. When we be in our hearts, feel and be the inner love we know, it’s a very different experience than being ruled by the human mind and it’s thoughts, engrained patterns and cycles.

There is no right or wrong choice. Ever…

Even though we have entered our very OWN UNIQUE transitional passageway, we are as a collective humanity still within the greater storyline of the longer ‘Timeline of Tribulations’. And so this increased collective intensity is very much expected. Most videos I have given over the last year (2023-2024) reiterate and explain this longer timeline. The LONGER timeline of Tribulations is a The Greater Picture perspective, and is all about surrendering (or not and that’s ok too), the programme of human desire to control itself, it’s life, or control the people etc. Which IS a state of seemingly experiencing ‘separation’. Many fear that surrendering one’s self, or the human identity (a programme) means they will become less. And yet the reverse is the truth. We become SO much more. We become without the chains of human programmes, that cause suffering to self and others. We become consciously aware of our eternalness, every day, all day. We become aware of the utter beauty that is God/The Creator/Source within us and everywhere. Choosing the eternal state rather than a short lived life state of the human personality.


The greatest thing we can each do is BE quietly with our own inner journey, in BEING MODE, beyond the human thinking and controlling of our life. To allow our own UNIQUE passageway to unfold. Observe it. It’s beyond ANYTHING of the material, and physical plane. Yet in saying this, many won’t choose INNER focus, as the programmed mind and the distractions of the world are too strong or too alluring. And that’s ok too. It’s expected!!! It’s all prophesied and is just playing out, at MULTIPLES bandwidths of humanities frequencies. Which denote individually experienced consciousness states, and thus the many perceptions and their points of focus. At a certain level of consciousness witnessing, we see the many LAYERS of the many perceptions, we see the dualities playing out, we see the extremes of polarity, but we are holding compassion and LOVE’S understanding for all and any suffering. We hold Love for every being, as we see the PERFECTION of all that IS. We see there IS no separation. There never was. It was all just a dream that felt so VERY real.

With so much Love, always,
1 August 2024
PS: I pray you see the clues within nature. It’s all there for the heart to feel

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