"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence - Current "landed" incoming energies - 06.08.2024


Most of you reading this will be aware of the two X Class flares, emitted by the Sun, yesterday on 05 August 2024.


I was shown a flood of water. As symbolism in my Learning Dreams, a water flood on the land equates to a VERY strong landing of incoming energies. Meaning a solar ‘FLOODING’ upon Mother Earth.

I was shown various human beings and their individual responses. How they were affected or unaffected by this current Solar FLOOD we are with:

1] One person had to slow right down. Take things physically far more slowly in a careful and considered way. As their effective way of coping with the current Solar Flood.

2] Another person affected STILL wanted to ‘do’. Wanted to carry on with their physical jobs. Yet this would be of detriment to their own body to work against the Solar Flood.

3] A very young relative of person number 2 (above), was in tears and stressing, pleading with me to speak to person number 2, and tell them to not be DOING. The young child KNEW that ‘doing’ wasn’t beneficial until the Flood had subsided. I knew not to interfere with the person’s choice so instead explained to everyone that there is LESS ABILITY to do physical jobs when there is a Flood. As it’s hard to focus clearly, and see what is in front of you or to the sides of us.

4] As I was also in the dream, I knew to not be OUTWARDLY active, in action or interactive speech until the Flood had subsided. Which I knew would take a few more days.

5] And a fifth lady just wanted to party! Asking me which nightclubs were still open. She was not aware the Energetic Flood had occurred and could not see it.

As some of you know, I physically feel energies all day every day, and I was aware of the X Flares. BUT(!) the fact that these current LANDED energies were shown in last night’s Learning Dream by my Consciousness, shows me that these current energies are of more significance. As we experience these energies and integrate them into our body.

May this sharing support you now and in the ‘future’. Incoming energies affect everyone uniquely. Key is to make what you feel is the Highest Choice for YOU, when ANY now and ‘future’ INCOMING ENERGIES land. To not be pushed into activity by any ‘other’ if you know you need to rest or be quiet. BUT, to easily allow all others their own choices, which may not be your way but is theirs. We are all so unique and that is to be celebrated.

With Love always,
06 August 2024

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