"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy - The world will listen & Code 144000 off the hook - 02-03.09.2024


The level of the Love that has opened up in the fields is so deep that is melting everything of no real use
and also shows that the world is close
to another major development that will shock
the walls of the hearts in order to bring them down.
The hearts are meant to open up so that the Love flow
can come in
and for the unaware or in mental fear and denial of the truth,
this some times takes place by force.
In the absence of an adult position and space of responsible healing process, often in times of need
the universal law takes over
and then the ride is not necessarily smooth because the unawakened individual does not enjoy the right of co-creating with the Living Energy.
There is a calling for a spiritual heart healing and liberation from the monkey mind
so that the programming of fear and limiting perception can be seen for what it is,
nothing but a program and the truth can be recognised so that the personal power can be claimed back.
This is a period in which the false personality and its loops and distortions
are meant to be erased/burned away,
whether willingly or unwillingly but which way one will choose,
makes the whole difference in the experience!
The Twin Flame Phoenixes have opened the way for this liberation and they are showing fearlessness in deep faith and trust for what is true and natural.
They have reached the first syn-chronicity to each other which is a huge victory!
Syn means plus,
so the general message is talking about union and getting together!
A new Light will be seen/syn.

"When you have lost everything
there is nothing more to lose
so you are free to surrender to union with Love!
Spirit will be there to help everyone that is losing their false
ego to find inner humbleness and recognise and embrace the truth.
Through tears of sorrow or tears of joy,
the world will listen!"

Go Twin Flames!
Your time to rise high has come!


CODE 144000

Tomorrow the 4th of September is a very important day of deep liberation in the quantum for the feminine and also a day in which great, lost and forgotten feminine elements will re-emerge from the depths of the cosmos!
These elements are connected to the Yin and Yang lost elements and memories of relating!
The world we are living in is not what we thought,
it is one full of mysteries and unknown worlds with forgotten history.
We are moving through the layers of the forgotten stories and reclaiming our powers, rights and freedoms!
We are the pirates, the exiles of the fallen program.
The program does not want free souls or free thinkers so it spits them out
and this is to our advantage!
The main feminine energies are meeting and re-emerging together from the depths of the cosmos,
clearing once and for all the energies of the past
but above all,
showing the way to the future and a new establishment.
One that will include the feminine Principle as a co-creator.
She is on the Wheel pointing towards the future
and whoever doesn't like that....
well, they are going to have to deal with their denial or childish false sense of power and adjust to the new organic establishment via natural law and redirect themselves
because things have changed.
The 5D Twin Flames are in equal and synchronised co-existence and co-creation within Love and Wisdom!
They are smart.
They are aware of the power of the True Union and what its enemies are.
They do not engage in separate or antagonistic thinking towards each other because of their different nature nor do they project their unresolved issues onto each other.
They are adult Souls,
they have done the inner work,
they have claimed their freedoms and
they know themselves deeply,
so they honour each other's qualities
as they understand that they are both different essences of the same universal energy of wholeness.
This is why they hold their Flames alive and sound and know how to use them!
There is no other way to be the owner of your Twin Flame and its properties,
you have to be truly smart,
meaning you have to have gone beyond the fallen and programmed personality
and its pitfalls of trauma,
victim and victimizer/sadist and masochist,
and have to have moved into the Waters of the Free!
This is where the system is changing and the individual is reconnecting to the True Worlds!
So much more to say on this and
we will during our group session tomorrow!
Code 144000,
Free souls of the World Unite and Take Over!

Those that have the inner call to join this work,
can message me for the details of participation.

following are the new dates for
5D Spiritual Healing Surgery sessions.
Please note that
I have been guided to have two different 5D healing sessions in the period between the two upcoming eclipses
in order to offer more support on the major changes, healing liberation, releasing from the old energies and upgrade that they will bring,
so please make sure that you book your place on time.

- 5D Spiritual Healing Surgery
On Thursday, September 26 2024
at 19:00 Athens time zone.
- 5D Spiritual Healing Surgery

On Tuesday, October 1 2024
at 17:00 Athens time zone.
For participation please email me
at ourtruespiritualfamily@gmail.com
Blessings of Self Driven Love and Acceptance!

Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
I'm on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Join the Telegram channel:

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