"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence - New incoming energy - 01.09.2024


I explain just this bit, so that the next paragraph of NEW information isn’t misinterpreted: So, as many of you know, since 2014 I physically feel the multiple VIBRATIONAL PATTERNS of incoming energy. As well as physically feel the many energy FREQUENCIES. Including when incoming is more electrically charged, plus the varying strengths of incoming energies. OK, so that said:


It began U.K. time approx 11pm on 31 August (last night). Upon waking today 1 September it was present and still is.


This type is extremely DEEP and PENETRATING. In a very beautiful way. If I try and trace it (as I usually do with any significant incoming), the shear depth (not strength, but DEPTH) of this energy, simply sends me into a TRANCE STATE. So in trance no activity of ‘tracing’ the vibrational patterns is possible. It is as if the new energy type, when immersed IN, slows us down. Slows everything down. To be immersed WITHIN this NEW energy TYPE. In a very beautiful way. It does not feel like any type of incoming energy we’ve had so far. I can not in human words express HOW DEEP and PENETRATING this NEW and still current incoming energy is. As it’s energy. There are MANY harmonic NOTES (sounds) accompanying this energy (overlaying the energy type), but they are not the NEW ENERGY DEPTH of this particular ‘Incoming Energy’ I am trying to convey in human words.

We all do our own thing and what we feel is wisest to do in our own NOW moment. Please always remember and hold the loving space of understanding with compassion, that, INCREASED ENERGIES always AFFECT every being differently and UNIQUELY. Some human beings do struggle with energy increases. And some people all over the world can experience difficulty at mental mind levels: Of imbalance, increased delusion, increase to the ego’s way of defense, increase to any aggression if aggression is still running within the character, increase to feeling unstable, increase to feeling unsafe or unsure etc, for periods of ‘time’. And so, to hold the ENERGETIC loving space and understanding of the ‘Bigger Picture’ beyond the illusion.


My ‘personal’ knowing is to be in STILLNESS to meet within, the permeating beauty of this DEEP and PENETRATING energy gift. And allow myself to slow down any mental and/or physical activity. It’s almost like I’m feeling, that even Mother Earth is wishing to be STILL. In the beauty of receiving this new energy. At least for NOW. Allowing the beauty of this new energy to be met. Being energy, we can meet energy, as energy. And in that state there is no human mental resistance or distraction to any gifts being given. That are, if we allow, increasing our own energetic frequency and awareness. Which in turn, gently and gradually is increasing our state of Consciousness.

So much Love,
1 September 2024

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