"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence - Dreamtime - 02.09.2024


There are many ways we open ‘hidden’ LIGHT DATA (knowledge); Clues throughout the ‘hidden’ language of Mother Earth and all The Kingdoms (animal, plant, oceanic etc), through clairaudience, clairsentience, clairvoyance, claircognisance clairintellect, etc. But another data communication system is through our Dreamtime whilst we sleep. As we embody higher hertz frequencies, abilities increase and strengthen.


As we go, much of humanity throughout the world will receive very vivid, clear and memorable dreams, giving information to their human character/personality. These dreams I speak of in particular will INCLUDE an over-pervading feeling of the PRESENCE of LOVE within the dream. Due to this evolving Era, the consciousness of each individual will increasing try to get through to the Human character, to get their attention. And so, for all of humanity to pay attention to clear dreams as we go. But first I will explain why we have the types of dreams we may have. We will start with the not so pleasant and then get to the Divine Pure Dreams:


1) If any person is in a living repeated fear (a cycle of fear), either unconscious or conscious of it, the fear lowers the frequency of the human. As a result, energies can attack during Dreamtime, as the human’s energy frequency is low. And unaware of their energy field. The energy fields of human beings can easily have tears in their energy field, where malevolent energies enter to take advantage of the person who is at a lower frequency hertz.

2) If an awakened person spends a lot of time in the astral plane (within a paricular style of meditation) whilst within the journey we ‘label’ 4D, the person can have some very beautiful yet TEMPORARY experiences. But 4D has a FREQUENCY BANDWIDTH of lower and increasingly higher hertz frequencies. As frequencies, the astral planes are the lower frequency end of the 4D spectrum of hertz energies. Where lower frequency entities play their games to affect people in 3D and 4D. Often, a person meditating will be unaware that whilst enjoying the visuals and interactions OF the astral planes, lower frequency energies are aware you are there, and can choose to attach to the person, without the persons awareness. If this occurs it can be reflected in Dreamtime, as nightmares. As well as the character’s daytime thoughts, words and actions taken.

3) Unsettling dreams (not a nightmare) can mask underlying subtle character fears, underlying character behaviours, unconscious repeated human actions, cycles of human patterns of beliefs and behaviours or can point to remaining attachments the human character still holds on to. Your consciousness is wanting the human character to deeply see these behaviours, beliefs, patterns, repeated cycling, for the human character to dissolve them, in order to become a more expanded and higher frequency state of being. That can lead to FULL consciousness this lifetime.

4) Your consciousness will never ask you to do something. It leaves all choice, to the human character in ‘solid’ density illusion (game). It may tell you something that is beneficial (to do), but it will NEVER tell the character to do it. Your pure divine consciousness, connecting via Dreamtime, is always OF NEUTRALITY no matter what it shows the human character. So if in a dream you are being TOLD to do something, it will be malevolent.

5) Your consciousness can also show you what is to happen within this reality. Be that of your own life, another person’s life or the collective scenes to come. It can show you WHAT you become, how to become it. It can show you what you will be doing in your service with God/Source. It can show you exactly the health state of your body and remedies. It wishes to look after both the human body, and your embodiment journey in order for you to BECOME your pure consciousness whilst retaining the body this lifetime.

6) Benevolent Angelic PRESENCE always feel of Pure Divine Love within the Dream.

7) Benevolent Masters within a Dream, always feel of Pure Divine Love.

8.) All dreams of God/The Prime Creator/Source feel of the Purity of Divine Love. In visual terms, ‘God’ appears to the human character the way the character tends to ‘imagine’ God to be. This can change if your character changes it’s idea of imaging God.


To keep a written note or audio recordings of your dreams helps. And to date them as often times, themes repeat WITH added expansions of data, at similar times, year after year after year.
I personally have never found books depicting dream symbolism to ever be accurate for me. At all. Ever.


Through keeping detailed notes/recordings you will notice HOW your consciousness uses the SAME props in dreams for PARTICULAR data. Props such as a suitcase, a bag, purse, theatre, airport, flight, ocean, water depths, hotel, house/home, bus/coach, car etc. By giving focus to your dreams you will learn the difference between a bus/coach and a car, that a hotel has a different meaning to a house. You will LEARN that the car is NOT about a physical car etc. That a purse is not about a purse. You learn prop meanings, as the same props repeat in different dreams. I have an ongoing ‘Mandy’ dream dictionary for the many props and scenes.


There is NO linear time in Dreamtime. So data received can play out in our reality the next day, next week, next year, or…12 years later. Also, one dream with different scenes can seem to last seconds in Dreamtime, but in this ‘time’ reality each scene can be weeks or months apart in terms of linear time. Another reason to keep records and go back to them when you feel to.


Always BE with your own Dreams over time. Don’t jump to human character conclusions too quickly. Our consciousness DOES NOT FUNCTION the way our human character does. There can be several interpretations to interpret correctly or incorrectly.

To never disempower a person by telling them what their own dreams mean. Only the ego would need to do that to another. Each consciousness facet relays its own style, that is specifically given to their character within the illusion at perfect timings, based on their own SOUL MISSION. When the character solves it’s very own puzzle pieces and dreams, it is THEIR empowerment. So to not intentionally or unintentionally deny a person their own empowerment, revelations and elations of their own learning to understand their own dreams. You may not know another’s Soul purpose this lifetime. Your interpretation of another’s dream, can easily confuse the person who had the Dream, make them doubt their own ideas of their Dream, and set them back, or even lower their own energy frequency.


The more a person (character) becomes higher and higher in hertz frequencies, the clearer Dreamtime becomes (as well as the other senses). This is because your BRAIN is able to decipher the HIGHER HERTZ vibrational WAVELENGTHS, that are all around us ALL THE TIME(!) that we can atune to, to unpack Light Data, including Dreamtime data.

As people one by one raise their frequency, which in turn raises their consciousness, it can be that Dreamtime (and all the higher senses) become the TRUE and ONLY NAVIGATIONAL DATA SYSTEM you live by. This supersedes the old ways of thinking, ways of choosing, and ways of learning of the 3D and 4D paradigms.


People around the world will as I say have increased VERY CLEAR beautiful and fascinating Dreams as we go. People will also be SHOWN in Dreamtime, people they don’t know, and will be given names of people in the world, they so far don’t actually know. It’s guidance for the dreamer. This has already been occurring but will INCREASE, worldwide, as part of Divine Source Design (the bigger picture macro design) to guide people in these times, but more so, in the times ahead.


To note for awareness, that learning dreams from your consciousness, and the array of ‘Clairs’ are very different to ‘Visions’.
I hope this supports, helps and perhaps excites you. As the ways to receive data are so many, and amazing. Be that of the higher Clair Senses that increase, or via our Dreamtime. Please just take what resonates for you, and discard the rest.

With love always,
2 September 2024

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