"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Vilma Capuano - The Reunion & Wise souls already live as ascended & heavenly energies update - 01-03.07.2024


“The ego is always looking for something – the spirit can see what you already have.” ~Marianne Willamson

Some Souls incarnate while preserving a strong spiritual immune system. At one point in life, they perceive reality as an illusory vision of the world, which has been conditioned since birth.

Then they feel something is wrong and start the Search.

They look for answers and discover that most are not aware that they are asleep in a "Dream".

This is how they begin the Journey of their Awakening.

Each step is taken following impulses from the Sacred Intelligence of your Heart. Instead of following the crowd, they choose Knowledge and the practice of Wisdom, instead of remaining with their conscience enveloped by the veils of ignorance.

““Healing the Dream does not mean running away from the Dream, but, on the contrary, assuming it in its entirety and seeing it as it is. It is necessary to accept that everything that is unfolding and will unfold in the days to come are just pretexts to find oneself again.” Ayoun JL-Irmão K- May 24-Ágape.press Brazil

“You are not alone with your questions, you are not alone in your pain, you are not alone in your experiences. We all have our stories, and through them we have an opportunity to be reborn into Wholeness.” ~Christine Day

The Reunion with oneself is to consciously re-enter the Spiral of Life that moves the Universes.



They are Mystics recognizing divinity in the rays of the Sun and the brightness of the stars. Listening to the Higher Realms in the symphony of birdsong at dawn. They feel Lightness in the Joy of the gentle touch of the wind on their faces. They create moments to be in Stillness and discover the Voice in the silence that responds and makes revelations about who they are.

Wise souls carry the vibration of an enhanced pure frequency on their many Journeys across timelines. That's why it remains engraved in the hearts of those who know them, vivifying a connection that remains even when they distance themselves from them.

They do not show off to impress others, nor do they fit into certain conversations and environments, moving away from aggressiveness, arrogance, selfishness and desire to manipulate others, because they no longer accept any influence by emotional arrows sent to hurt their inner self.

The practice of inner silence made them achieve peace with themselves.

They often disturb others who approach them, not because they are who they are, but because they realize who they are not yet.

You don't need to convince them about something they believe is best through too much interference. They radiate the idea into the atmosphere as in an energetic sigh, believing that open consciousnesses will capture it and act accordingly.

They live without so many automatic reactions, without desires, they no longer feel so many needs to be fulfilled, in a behavior that reflects the anchoring of spiritual Neutrality, and thus continue in balance receiving the Light from their energy container from the inner source – without extreme drains.

As a self-care person, they are solitary, however, living as free spirits in their inner space.

Their sensitivity drives them towards compassion, empathy and generosity, nourishing and protecting themselves in the love radiated by their own vibration. Note that even after going through painful circumstances in life, they continue to be altruistic.

They live in tune with the Forces of Higher Life because they know that they are a particle of the Universe in movement, which gives them a purer perspective of the world.

That is why they are less concerned with ephemeral and transitory aspects, such as physical death, the vain and controlling ego and everything that prevents them from being receptive to subtle energies.

They know that their Family is in the Home of Origin, calling them from time to time, to offer Guidance and renew confidence and self-protection.

These Souls are incarnated silently offering their gifts, their Light, to subtilize this world.



We have been receiving a high power of radiation in the last few days in preparation for the Passage between two Portals. Stay hydrated even if you don't feel thirsty, because you need to have fuel for the faster purifying movement of the cell nuclei in your physique.

This extreme cosmic energy can cause anxiety and/or fatigue, as well as the usual symptoms and triggers of physical, emotional and mental activation.
The hours of the day are no longer enough for tasks, the perception of time is accelerated.
Breathe, like a deep sigh through your mouth, every hour.
Rest as much as possible to keep your nervous system calm. Media reports prove the imbalance that leads to the inconceivable violence of “sleeping” minds that do not follow the Path of Awakening of Superior Consciousness.

A Stargate begins to open today as on July 5th our Sun aligns with the “Sirius” star system to help us resonate with His Light Codes sent to activate divine energy in the glow of Earth’s magnetic grid. .

The Galactic Dance is choreographing the Sirius Heliac on July 26th, the Cosmic New Year, which precedes the most powerful Lion's Gate of the decade: 8.8.8

Ancient people followed the event through the pyramids, like those of the Mayans in “Teotihuacan”, which means: “When man came from Heaven”, remembering the Galactics who landed to teach.

Just like the Dogons who consider Sirius as the Eye-Star, the Mother Star of civilization - the connecting link for access to a higher state of consciousness whose energy is associated with the Divine Feminine Principle: the Goddess ISIS = LIGHT.

Other Temples were built facing East, such as Solomon's in Jerusalem, Stonehenge, Baalbek (Lebanon), so that on this day a ray of light from the Sun of Sirius would penetrate the central point known as “Sanctun Santorum” (The Holy of Holies). ).

The Passage of Light illuminating the Darkness, warming the Soul for Self-Resurrection and Return to spiritual origin: the activation and Incorporation of the Body of Light to anchor the Eternal Divine state - an Initiation to sustain more of our Light.

Do not resist, invoke and ask to leave these Portals with your activated version of the interdimensional Human and fulfill your Purpose on Earth.

It is a catalytic time on Earth for more connection and receiving information from evolved beings, if you are open, and increasing your levels of creativity and intuition.
Sirius manages the Universal University, the Mystery Schools, Cosmic Libraries, and hosts the Intergalactic High Councils that offer the Knowledge that humanity will use for the next 72 thousand years.
Osiris and Aysis (Isis) came from Sirius during the Kingdom of Leo on Earth to bring technology and Knowledge from Lyra and the 12 Master Galaxies, rebuilding civilization on the ruins of Elysium, the first of humans on the planet.
If you are Called, do not ignore this powerful Passage... you will receive spiritual Keys that will change your life if you pass the Pure Intent criteria to receive them: the Highest Good of all.
Vilma Capuano

source - facebook

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