"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy - energy update - 09.07.2024

JULY 9 2024

"All Living Children have the right to the Mother's Rose as they are returning back to Love, Higher Aesthetics, Kallos and Values of True Life!
Beauty will save everyone who can see it and claim it back as a God given right!
Beauty in the soul, beauty in the hearts,
beauty in the mind, beauty in the intentions, beauty in the words, beauty in manners ...beauty in everything!
Choose beauty,
choose you!"

The great cleansing of the mind demons that has been taking place during the last weeks and which will now intensify,
is of the utmost importance as it is connected to the process of the return of the masculine.
Today Mars will step on the same degree that the seal of the apocalypse opened back in April.
This is very significant for the masculine within both men and women
and according to where each stands in their process, self knowing and integration,
this development will now unlock great powers and show
what the masculine needs to adopt, change or drop in the process of healing and restoration and repositioning.
He is here to claim back all of his powers
but this is not enough, he needs to do with a clear, awakened and synchronised mind to the Feminine.
That is why the 5d Twin Flames are now bringing in their powers to support both!
This is the time for those ready to consolidate their energy!
I just wish to say this,
the energies that will be unleashed during the next hours and days which will climax around the 15th,
are not powers that one should take lightly or with lack of respect!
These are the energies of the Rising Phoenixes, they have the power to resurrect
but they can also burn everything to the ground, for better or for worst.
Also the mind demons,
do not wish to let go easily and they can potentially create great destruction so the best way to go about during this period is self awareness,
respect of your Genealogy and guides, humbleness and self responsibility while mainly and happily focusing only on your own inner process of healing and restoration.
The Rose is here for all and
many will find remedy and heal from chronic heart problems of all kinds.
We have been helping and guiding the inner masculine escape the medusa technology for many months.
So this next development was very much inticipated.
This is the Yin and the Yang templates in the next step of integration and merging!
A huge work that began on the last 8/8 portal which is now bringing
the next set of powers,
along with amazing upgrades for the Twin Flames that are ready
and with power comes with self responsibility and growth!
This is not the time for careless and rushed actions.
This is the time to keep your flows steady and balanced so that you can be able to receive these powers without imbalances.
The powers of the Divine Kundalini will be unleashed.
Mars and Uranus means Divine Kundalini Awakening upon the point of medusa and its technology.
And YES,
we do wish for the head of the medusa to be cut but not in an uncontrollable manner.
We are doing this out of choice.
So there is a huge difference in the results between those who invite this action while being unaware and those who take this action in awareness.
It is time to be wise now and know what you are doing!
Jupiter on the royal star Aldebaran has been a great blessing for all,
bringing great support, help and guidance in order to deal with the inner shadows and demons l, find solutions and be free!
Blessed are those who wait and have patience.
"Wait! Do not rush ahead and do not follow those who are rushing and are driven by ignorance and immaturity or excessive ambition.
Stay present.
Get to know who you are and what you really need in the now.
Keep it grounded and honest.
This fire is not to be played with,
it takes respect and humbleness to be able to embody it!
Be smart now, drop all childish approaches and get real!"

- Coming up:
Those that have the inner call to join this work,
can message me for the details of participation.

The next
• 5D Healing, Surgery Adjustment and Upgrade
is on Tuesday, the 13th of August 2024
At 13:00 Athens time zone
(Suitable for eastern timezones)
Please book your place on time at ourtruespiritualfamily@gmail.com
(+ the names of 3 blood family members
to also receive healing through your process).
Blessings of Heart healing!

Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
I'm on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Join the Telegram channel:

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