"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Cosmic Gateway - Our consciousness is being expanded so you might feel the temporary disconnect - 05.07.2024

There is a deep metamorphosis occurring right now. This started about two days ago, which is a continuation of the light blue frequency that came in about a month ago.

That was more individual specific. Now it seems to be permeating with the Collective field.
It looks like gentle light blue rain or streams of energy softly coming in the field.

This is deeply working on our consciousness, mind, deeping into our head for dismantling old conditioning & limitations in our perception. So we can expand further into what wants to be received.

There is such a huge range of new consciousness that wants to break through in new levels of understanding & to be able to see clearly the next movement forward. However this can't occur until the past energies need to be dissolve. This might feels a little bit disconnected & in limbo at times.

You might find you cannot connect with past memories as the 3D disconnection continues... Remember, this is exactly where you need to be...

Another important message continually comes through as we are moving through anchoring more light & frequency for ourselves its so important to keep connecting with our new light & energy and where possible "don't get sucked down into the collective dense energy."

There is so much collective mental energy & debris so, stay connected within your heart space, within each one is the light of peace & by accessing this will allow you to float & rise above the chaos & confusion as the realities are splitting even more & more each day. Be incredibly mindful what you're consuming mentally & connecting internally as regularly as possible. Keep connecting to your own light & wisdom & less "out there."

There is so much support as this time as the movement between worlds is so very noticeable. Living both simultaneously & through your heart you can access the lighter side. Dreams are especially important & vivid giving message and almost a healing quality coming through you of New Earth frequency that you can bring through in the present moment.

Physical symptoms are very heightened with this process you might notice:

Intense head pressure, crown & third eye, ongoing headaches as new consciousness pours in
Heart pressure as there is big energy allowing us to clear out old hurt or pain & to receive this new energy that's flowing in to help us navigate new terrain
Whole body aches as though you've been working out, this new energy is moving through our entire body changing our vibrational frequency
Chills, cold, shakes & vibration running through the body
Tiredness needing to rest at least the body as much as possible
Feeling the need to stay still, as this is an important incubation process

The best way to support yourself, stay well hydrated, get into nature if possible, rest, meditate and listen to what your body wants moment to moment. Giving yourself the time & space to connect with your heart

If you feel the call to connect with your New Earth reality join me on Sunday at 7pm for the 7-7 Soul Journey:

Sending much love
Alisha Braché

Need 1:1 Assistance see Soul Sessions:

Elevation Training "At you're own pace learning" a guide for Energy Self Mastery & Energetic tools for supporting yourself through this very big Collective Energetic Times:

Elevate 2 Training ~ For Divine Partnership & Divine Soul Connection, how to actulise your highest potential within Concious Relationships: https://www.cosmicg8way.com/courses

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