"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Cosmic Gateway - "Ascension Ancient Times Vs Modern day - 09.07.2024

As we go through what would be sometimes incredibly intense times, remind ourselves that what is inevitable are changes and things are constantly changing around us in every moment. As we go through these heavy emotions and purge them out remind yourself that you are doing an amazing job and look at just how far you have come. As we shed lifetimes of pain, trauma and undesirable experiences all for the purpose of soul expansion.

So, honour where you are, wherever that might be. And in the hard times try to detach yourself from what you are feeling and by looking at it objectively as though watching a movie. Simply ask yourself what am I learning from these experiences? How have I grown through this journey?

It can be a lot easier to find the clarity we seek in our uncertain moments. As once we understand the lessons that we have set up for our own personal and soul development, we can move forward and no longer do we need to have that experience presented in our lives again.

For most of us who have the foresight and wisdom of the new Era, it’s possible we didn’t at first see the transformation as it happened. We didn’t know that it was occurring and have been finding ourselves in all sorts of situations. Such as impatiently wanting to move into our wider communities and work together for the benefit of all.
Our strong desire is to engage in meaningful work, based around what we love and use our gifts and talents.

We are getting there and we are all contributors to this New Earth. In each moment, we are going through our own internal growth and personal shifts, we make space for humanity to shift and grow. This is all through what we are experiencing in each moment as we are deeply connected in unity consciousness.

So, as we collectively go through shifting and working through releasing and letting go of our lower-level emotions and fears, we are fully embodying what it takes to transform these emotions. And a lot of the fears that we have in our present day aren’t necessarily around being attacked by Alligators and snakes, they are more in the sense of our Modern-day experiences which are presented by loss of money or homes. Losing friends and family.

One of the biggest ones for people who are contactees and who are having these interdimensional experiences is personal reputation, which can be massive for many going through the awakening process especially if it happens quite rapidly.
They start to have otherworldly experiences that many of the people in their lives simply cannot to relate as we are all at different levels of soul development and awakening for now…
As human beings, we hold such importance to ‘fitting in’ to what society has taught us to do over generations. Yet we are at a point now where it’s just about truly honoring who you are and what you have come forth to do for this time of expansion.
This is a tremendous opportunity to fully transform and to become who we truly are, our soul essence and be the best version of ourselves so we can in order to serve others in the highest form in whichever way we choose to be of service.
So no matter where you are in your journey, no matter what it is that you are currently facing look at what you have already overcome through shedding the lower level aspect of yourself, step-by-step, day-by-day polishing that beautiful diamond one facet at a time, becoming that brilliant beacon of light that shines deeply within all of us, and we are just polishing off some of the residual so our collective inner light can shine much more brightly and illuminate for ourselves, for the planet for the people around us and becoming whole in the process.
Sending much love 💖

Alisha Braché
source - https://www.instagram.com/cosmicg8way/

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