"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence - Light Capacities and Update - 03.09.2024


The more we let go of all the human character’s programming (that keeps a person IN their programme), the more LIGHT we embody. The ‘programming’ is the engrained beliefs and behaviours that then create inner thoughts, outer words (words are actions) and physical actions. Programming that is developed and taught to us from 0-7 years of age. Embedded via ‘unexpected’ experiences from 8-13 years of age. Deeply activated from 14-21 years of age. The ego mind (in it’s many guises of self protection) enlarges in the teenage years, reiterating the engrained beliefs and behaviours as the ‘character’.

The Light was always there. IS always there. And the way is simple for everyone. The way is through choosing the heart FIRST. Being Love FIRST. Not as a mind thought concept, but by TRULY, actually BEING… The Love, as your inner State. All Love, by any degrees, is but God’s alone. That inner state of Love is then evident through your private INNER THOUGHTS, your outward WORDS expressed and all your ACTIONS. It fills your well being. Yet by continuously choosing to BE The Love, you re-embody, more and more of your higher frequency LIGHT.

Your Light Body is made of light plus plasma. Your soul is made of Light. Your consciousness is made of Light, that works with JUST Light AND vibrations (wavelengths).


September (equinox) is a time where we reap what we have sown in our own past solar yearly cycle. There will be expansions of consciousness quietly occurring that can be understood more easily after 22 September. Allow quiet time to feel, see, KNOW from WITHIN YOU, in the weeks after 22 September.

Yet also within the whole month of September, the outer world stage as well as at individual personal levels for many, will become more ‘heated’. Many will feel intensity in adverse ways, if still choosing to, think from, speak from, act from the ‘character’s shadow sides that have not been fully ACCEPTED and integrated as ONE. I’ve posted a link below to help anyone understand ‘The Shadow’ . The type of mental and emotional intensity for some is a result of the character STATE still being the DOMINANT STATE of being. Not able to mentally cope (by degrees of coping as each character is different) with the Light increases and increased Light SPIN within us and outside of us. And so the not ‘coping’ comes out as characteristic ‘traits’ still running within.

What would help? Stillness. Choosing Love. Choosing kindness to self and to all. To quietly allow and observe your OWN inner daily state. To surrender the ‘character’ to the expansion of re-embodying more consciousness. Through LOVE. And through LOVING, detached, non interference, allow all ‘others’ their own choices. For there is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ choice. There is just…choice.

Please take what resonates and ignore the rest. This may be my last support post for a few weeks…stepping away from social media…in order to quietly, be in stillness and devote fully, within.

With Love Always,
3 September 2024

LINK TO UNDERSTANDING: The Shadow, God’s Dreaming & People’s Perspectives:

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