"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Weekend Vibezz

 We have reached the middle of June and this week was not without events. 

Our Sun is still relatively "quiet", on June 10 there was an X1.5 and an M9.7 solar flare, since then there have been smaller and bigger C and M flares.

On Sunday 9th of last week, the European Union representative elections were held across Europe, the results of which had consequences in 2 countries. 

French President Emmanuel Macron has decided to dissolve the French National Assembly and call early elections for the end of the month due to his defeat in the election. It should be known that Macron is one of the most unpopular politicians and it is a miracle that he is still "alive" and at the head of the country. The question here will be whether he will rig the election or let the opposition Marine Le Pen's party win. 



Belgian Minister Alexander De Croo also resigned due to his defeat in Sunday's elections.


In Hungary, the "orange Fidesz" is still trendy, but they don't have a worthy opponent, since "our beloved leader" "executes" all his opponents, while his country suffers due to high prices, inflation and low wages, deteriorating education and healthcare and I didn't even talk about corruption (NER). 

Until now, Ukrainian and now Filipino guest workers are being brought to the country to fill the jobs, as many Hungarians go abroad to work for a normal wage. The disadvantage of this was that many workplaces would rather hire guest workers than employ Hungarians. The trouble starts when the Filipino workers are already dissatisfied with the low wages. I must also add that Hungarian workplaces (respect to the exception) treat them in a very inhumane manner. Many people take advantage of them because they don't speak the language, they can't stand up for themselves (fear of losing their jobs), and thus they take full advantage of them. However, it can be heartwarming when Hungarians stand up against the treatment of guest workers and help them, rather than adopting the "I didn't see or hear anything" attitude. 

"Treat others as you would like to be treated." 

Austrian politics is a different story, here ministers come and go, and on average people are not satisfied with the leadership.


Politics to me is like a snake pit, you can't tell who is the venomous and the harmless snake, who dances to which snake charmer's music, who hisses and sticks out his tongue the best, and who is the biggest of them all. The real power belongs to the snake charmer, who is the master of these animals and knows how to catch and make harmless of them. I would be curious if these background power figures would disappear, what would do these masterless people who sit at the head of the countries ... maybe like headless snakes they would writhe for a while and it would be over, or they would fall on each other and there would be a new division of power...

It is likely that this year we will see more heads falling in the dust on the world's political stage and events are coming that conspiracy theorists have been warning about for years. The battle is still on for the world's resources and people. The only question is how loud and fear-inducing it will be, and how many people who are still sleeping will wake up. People are becoming more and more dissatisfied on a secular level in all areas, and I don't think that "entertainment - circus aka sports events" will be enough as a diversion for a long time. 


I would also like to thank you for helping me choose my next x-stitch project in last week's weekend vibezz post. I´m very appreciate it :) The fox and the wolf won by a landslide. I will order these two. I usually order more than one at a time, as the delivery fee is a bit steep on my favorite site. 

If you are European or living around Germany, I can recommend this site (I usually order from here), where there are a lot of stewing products and accessories, and they always update their products. 



I have a story for this week...

I got a kind pen pal from the Philippines. I have never spoken to anyone from there before, and I confess I knew nothing about this country. We exchanged quite a lot of messages, through her I got to know a slice of that life and learned more about this country and she also about my countries, and one day I decided (nudges) to fulfill her dream, which she mentioned once or twice. I have never sent a package outside the EU, so this became a new project of mine. 

This is her dream / desire, for me it's ordinary - European chocolate. Since imported products are expensive for them, and she supports her family alone, she wanted to taste those at least once more in her life.

I bought them, I intended to send three, but I changed my mind and added two more chocolates to the package, because the price of sending the package was four times higher the price of the chocolate anyway. 

For the first time in my life, I filled out customs paper, put airy packaging material in the package so that those chocolates wouldn't break, put them in a plastic bag, wrote a small handwritten greeting card, taped the package neatly around and handed it off.

I asked spirit and the universe to take care of the package and that my dear friend on the other side of the world would receive it successfully. 

The Austrian post office was very fast, the package arrived in Manila within four days of dispatch. From then on, it was in the hands of the Philippine Post. The parcel successfully passed through customs, and then headed to the other side of the country. 

We checked the tracking code online every day, but it was always the same that it was on its way. My pen pal often went to the post office to inquire about the package, and almost a month after it was sent, an e-mail came saying that she had finally received it.

Oh, if that package could talk...I wonder what it went through to got it there.

This week I was drinking my usual cinnamon coffee after waking up while I was browsing my e-mails in the kitchen, I saw that an e-mail came from her. I was so happy that she finally got the package, but as I read forward the mail and looked at the photos, I burse into cry.

3 out of 5 chocolates arrived successfully. The other two chocolates were wrapped in paper (Lindt), the chocolate was missing from one, the other looked as if someone had kneaded it. The chocolate paper showed traces of a mouse or rat. The side of the package was chewed out or opened, but I think someone at the post office took pity on the poor package and taped it.

The packaging material and the plastic bag in which I put the chocolates disappeared, along with the greeting card.

Okay, I didn't include that little greeting card on the customs paper and the packaging material either. The question for you, if you have experience with foreign non-Eus parcels, is

"does the packaging material also have to be indicated on the customs paper?"

eg: half a kilometer bubble plastic folia, austrian air, 1-2 cat hair etc?

I looked online, but apart from the fact that everything must be listed, no one listed the packaging materials inside the box.

The other is, if everything is fine and you don't have to pay custom tax according this status then why did my friend had to pay the customs? Or this message means nothing?

The funny thing is that she already received the package, but the electronic code is still live and does not show that she received it.

I guess we can at least say a prayer of thanks and gratitude that she received it, the stories I've heard and read about this post office...

Honestly, I thought about everything about the package, I hope they "don't open it", don't steal it, don't break it, don't melt it", etc., but I didn't think about the rats. This caught me by surprise. If the packaging material had been left inside, he/she might not have been able to chew it. The interesting thing is that the plastic-wrapped chocolate was not harmed by the mouse/rat. This animal had good taste - white chocolate and 70% cocoa chocolate. They say that what the animal eats is healthy for us humans - then feel free to eat Lindt chocolate especially the white one. Now I imagined the poor rat, who is now struggling with diabetes somewhere in the post office or airport warehouse and telling his/her grandchildren about the deliciousness he or she ate recently.

I don't know if they reached into the package before or after the rodent incident and why they had to take things out of it, that's a mystery, and also how a chocolate bar disappeared from the package. I'll probably put a mouse trap in it next time, of course also indicated on the customs paper.

Anyway, after the incident, I looked for the airport, and it turned out after a relatively recent news that, unfortunately, there are problems with rodents and other vermin at the airport and I think elsewhere as well.

Looking at my package, it appears that this issue is still not fully resolved.

On the other hand, I'm grateful that it arrived, but I'm also sad, since this first "experience" now puts my next project (not chocolate) backburned. Maybe I'll give foreign package delivery another chance.

I'm sharing this story so that maybe someone learns from it and doesn't make my mistakes - to include even a tiny card on the customs paper, to wrap it in transparent tape everywhere and if it's sweets, to wrap everything multiple times... although I think the customs officials will anyway will be opened it if they deemed so.

If you are a postal worker, please try to pay attention to the packages, because maybe one of them would fulfill someone's dream and long-held wish, please not let be a bittersweet story like ours. 

Finally, I'll share a remixed song from the 90s - its message is - Things Can Only Get Better

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