"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence - Re-post 1 year ago - Peace reflects out & vision 2024 of a timeline to come

RE-SHARING from 1 year ago, prior to the worldwide and individual escalations (of the ego grasping, onto the old ways of consciousness). Yet one year on, whilst MANY have now CHOSEN Love, and BE THE LOVE TO ALL, many continue to resist or fight, grasping on to the old ways of human control and controlling. Yet in highest truth, the old ways of being can’t evolve but stay cycling. Slowly, patiently the new HUMAN ENERGÉTICA is and will emerge throughout the world. A humanity that lives as Light, multiple high frequencies with energetic abiltiies. A true and pure nature that is peace and in balance. That only emerges through A BEING OF LOVE and its many beautiful octaves (frequencies). And so ‘humanity’ has been either in or are witnessing humanities continued Timeline of Tribulation. For now…and a while longer




Your PEACE comes through your heart that is Love. The choice to be Love, first. Love’s energy, given to your mind, gives Peace to your Mind, to then think from, speak from, act from.

His PEACE comes through his Love.
Her PEACE comes through her Love.
Their PEACE comes through their Love.

A countries governmental PEACE comes through each parliamentary member choosing to FIRSTLY BE LOVE. Not fear of what one shall do to the other. Where we have witnessed thousands of years of heartless division against each other. But where each sit down and say, let’s hold space for each other, and listen to each other, through our HEARTS. Let us all meet each other, for the Love of All Beings on this Mother Earth. Yet this shall not happen yet.

Countries PEACE with ALL other countries in this world, is born the same. Where man’s systems of reaction, inner human need to control, creating fight and fear can by choice, be overcome by the hidden infinite strength and power of each countries LOVE and FAITH. Yet this shall not happen yet.

It is easy to run.
It is easy to hide.
It is easy to choose to fight.
It is easy to fear.
It is easy to be angered.
It is easy to fear thy neighbour.
It is easy to judge any other.

But to choose God’s LOVE, amidst all these choices within you or witnessed outside of you…THAT is the ETERNAL strength that is Real and Everlasting.

It is easy to react, from less than God’s LOVE. Yet God’s LOVE dwells within ALL beings.
And God’s LOVE shall overcome all. In time…

Can each meet in this eternal truth? That is written into every religion. LOVE. That is written into each one’s own inner heart. LOVE. For human life force grows first from a heart. Life force leaves via that same heart. What we do between life born and life transition is but our choice and only our own responsibility.

For there is a quiet, unseen, powerful, energetic, esoteric, divine, transitory period occurring. That shall last perhaps 3 of our linear years. Where many shall fight against their OWN INNER heart, and thus resist and fight against the opened hearts of others. This change shall create unrest to those in fear of this change. Yet this era of change is inevitable and upon us all since early 2023. And all it takes, is each one’s surrender, to the heart within them and the heart within all. The gateway to The All.

For Thy Will be done.
Thy Kingdom Come.
Quietly, subtly, over linear time, it is occurring.
For eyes that see, SEE.
And ears that hear, HEAR.
And those that feel, FEEL…
The Calling.

And just…to keep Love’s patience with all others. For EACH HAVE, their very own timing and path. Keep faith

With Love,
17 June 2023
Re-Posted 17 June 2024

Animated outer Vision: Recieved in 2014, of a timeline to come. Description of Animated Vision in the comments section

Animated Vision explained.

My whole reality went away, so that I could be shown with my eyes open in the following order.

1: The whole Earth

2: A golden hexagonal grid that not only overlay the Earth but was a tapestry (light layer) spanning the whole of creation. It showed me everything is connected to everything via this Light Layer.

3: The Earth then split into two. One part had chosen Love. The other part had chosen Not to Love.

4: An ornate golden symmetrical cross descended upon the Earth. It spanned into all four quarters of the whole Earth. It represented the arrival of Christ Consciousness. But there are many labels for that state depending on cultures, influences etc. Another label for this is the embodiment of God Consciousness.

source - facebook

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