"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Vilma Capuano - Signs of the times - 19.06.2024


A White Buffalo was born a few days ago in Yellowstone National Park, photographed by a visitor. She already went back there to see him again, and couldn't find him again. Fulfilling a prophecy from the native Lakota tribe, it is an omen similar to the Second Coming of Christ and a Sign that more must be done to protect Nature, and live in Respect for each other.

The prophecy has been repeated since 2,000 years ago, at a time when food was scarce and buffalo were disappearing, the White Buffalo Woman appeared, presented a pipe to a tribesman and taught him how to pray.

- “And someday, when times are hard again, I will return and remain on Earth like a white buffalo calf.” Then she turned into a white calf and left.

“Ptesan Win”, the White Bison Woman, warns of purification of the soul and union with the Spirit, so that we can return to the Great Spirit, and not have the need to wander on earth, as is the case with wicked men.”

Shamanism is humanity's oldest spiritual practice, the bridge between the physical and spiritual world, guiding journeys of healing and revelation of powers and wisdom. Rituals were taught by the Pleiadians so that the illusion of separation would break Oblivion and prevent connection with the Higher Realms. All native people know that they came from the Stars.

In Shamanic Medicine, the Universe and Time are represented by the shape of the Circle, and the Elements classified by Clans of the animal kingdoms characterizing strong and weak personal abilities to walk the Path.

The personal Power Animal “appears” and manifests telepathically in a ritual commanded by an Initiated Shaman, within a kiwa - a circle of trees in a sacred geometry aligned with telluric energies to create a space that opens beyond our dimension, together with the “bath” of the pure energy of the anchoring between the earth and the sky of the Elementals of the trees, of the Wind (movement and change), of the Stones (which store information), of the Fire (transmutation), of the Water (unblocking the flow of Life), and Sound (drum).

Shamans have the ability to use their own Power Animal as a guardian spirit and intermediary to access other realities.

• Physical Body - Reptiles = Earth Element, the ability to survive.

• Emotional Body - Aquatic creatures, amphibians = Water Element, guardians of dreams and help heal/unblock emotions, stabilize on earth.

• Mental Body – Winged animals = Air Element; mainly birds and butterflies, messengers of Paradise on Earth, move between spirituality and matter; giving inspiration and intuition to electrical energy in systems.

• Spiritual Body - Mammals = Fire Element, the transformation of density into vitality, aggression into courage.

Clans are classified according to their main Element - Earth, Water, Air and Fire - which, when connected together, sustain life. Knowing your main Element helps you understand your impulses and qualities, observe them in others, use powers and put them at the service of others.

Just as we have personality and Soul Path signs determined by date of birth in Western and Eastern astrology and numerology, so do we in Shamanism.

."Whatever direction you choose...

Recent energy changes can feel like the first drop on a roller coaster. You know it's coming, you can see it, but your whole body still reacts. It's part of the human experience.

Any twists you establish are entirely up to you. Your free will allows you to choose a direct path or create chaos for the continuous construction of the victim scenario. Regardless of where you are on your journey, the Universe accepts you as you are, never wavering in Its Unconditional Love... supporting whatever direction you choose to travel. The only thing you need to remember is that you can change your course at any time."~ Creator by Jennifer Farley

Vilma Capuano

You can see the photo taken in Yellowstone here:


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