"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence - Love is prensence, without definition


A human being doesn’t need to KNOW you, to accept you.
A human being doesn’t need to be ‘awake’, to fully accept you.
Heart already accepts.

Heart doesn’t seek to define the outside including the defining of any person or peoples. Heart just Loves. Can only be that one essence...LOVE. By degrees of Octaves, KNOWN within.
LOVE is remembered by degrees. It comes in many guises. To pierce the outer armour, of illusional programmes of protection. To reveal the eternal heart that is ALL Love. And always, more than enough.

LOVE seeks to be remembered in all moments, through the human being, yet will wait an eternity for this to be MET.

Only the programmed mind misperceives. Held captive in it’s own programmes, forgetfulness, and sometimes in delusion. Until it allows the heart to be FULLY opened and lived of. Then, and only then, there is ZERO desire to define any other. LOVE seeks no definition, of any thing or any one, it just is, energy felt within and GIVEN out. Whether spiritual or non spiritual. Whether ‘awakened’ or ‘asleep’, is irrelevant to a heart that is open, that gives it’s knowing state, of being...The Love.

Love is creational energy. We EXPAND through Love’s energy. CONTRACT when forgetting Love’s energy. In and Out. Ebb And flow. It’s the nature, the core and the essence of Divine Creation. A VERY NATURAL giving, of pure Essence.

Quiet inner strength, quiet inner courage, quiet inner endurance. A genuine nature, is not born of the mind, or mind skills learnt. But born out of the heart that is knowing of the eternal Love within. As within, so we be of, outwardly.

The highest octave of Love, is of Divine Alchemy. And in that giving, there is no ‘you’ present as an identity, for All Love IS, the Divine Creator’s Love, giving through ‘you’, aligned within Source.

With Love Always,
Originally written on 25 June 2020
RE-POSTED 25 June 2024
source - facebook

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