What a powerful 7 days we have had we are now past the big chunks of density and are in the stream while this may feel unsettling remember that as we clean up this stream it will become easier not harder, because our bodies took the brunt of the density spikes its important to give them some love, this can be self massage or proper hydration or walks what ever the body needs but def take sometime this week to say Thank You to your body for processing that massive spike and remember that as we head to Oct 31st things will get more and more interesting but its just a show happening for you to accept and observe do your best not to judge it let it go so the new world we came for has room to grow in our hearts and in the world

"for reference to what i mean by the big chunks"
"we are at the 29 sec part of this clearing 😊 but look at what we have moved through"
Q: What is a density spike?
A: watch the video we are at the 29 sec mark now we have moved through all that density up to that point now which felt like bricks 😛
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