"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Weekend Vibezz

 Happy Solstice! 

Summer has officially arrived in Europe and this week the 30+C temperature has also arrived in Austria. Up until now, we complained about the rain a lot, but now it's because it's very hot. Unfortunately, the sky was full of chemtrail, almost in imagination you could add musical notes to it and playing the symphony of geoengineering. It's disgusting and, unfortunately, many people still believe that it's "normal", it's for us and for good and it's caused by the fuel in the planes. 

On Sunday, on a whim, we went to my favorite place again to see what the Danube is like. I wrote a post when the Danube was overflooded and told about this place.


In a week, the river has dried up nicely and is back in its bed, but it is still dirty in color. The city management cleaned up the sidewalk and the bridge nicely, but at some points we could still see that the water had left about 4-6 cm of mud, and in many places there was a lot of wood debris hanging on the fences and laying on the meadow beside the river and on the concrete dams.

Many people were out, filling this place with life, walking, fishing, sunbathing, canoe on the river, and some even jumped into the water from the their ships.

Usually people somehow find me and randomly start talking to me. The same thing happened here, an old man came to me and started talking to me in German about how big the water was here in the last weeks. Since my German is very broken, and I not really can understand also (some words, sentences and mostly pick up intuitively what they want to tell me) and I couldn't talk to him much except for a few words and a smile, but usually people don't care, they just talk and tell stories, and I smile and listen to them. 

Since that section of the Danube has the water control system and also the lock system, I always wanted to see how the ships were allowed to pass through it, it was kind of a long time wish. Seeing and knowing in theory different than seeing them in reality. Luckily for us, a ship was waiting right there at the other side of the lock, so I decided to wait for as long as it took, and then another ship gracefully swam by. I was as excited as a little kid at Christmas to unwrap the present. Since the place is surrounded by a fence and I could only see a small part of it, I went back to the bridge and while I waited, I just tried to get used to the depth and the water. This combination of the two is still terrifying to me, even though there is a fence. As I waited on the bridge one point I thought I'd look at the ships again, but by the time I got there they were gone. I was a little confused that a huge ship how could disappear, but at the time I had no idea how deep the canal actually was. The locks have 2 chambers, about 70 million liters of water fill the lock, it is 230 m long and 24 m wide, its height is 15 m and the operation takes about 20 minutes. If you are interested in what the operation is like, here is a video in German language and you can get an automatic translation for it.


But by the time I got back to the bridge, the huge gate slowly started to open and the ship slowly started to swim through. 

One end of the ship had long since crossed over to the other side, while the rear end was still coming through the gate. Then another long ship came and slowly the second gate started to open and we were lucky enough to see 2 more ships, a simple little Austrian one and a transport ship. I was also grateful that this wish came true, and the bonus was that I saw 4 ships pass through the lock, and one of them was the latest modern (2024) Swiss River Cruiser - MS Amina, which is 135 meters long, 4 decks, 92 cabins with glass window, while the another was a German-owned river cruiser of the same type - MS Amadeus Riva and both takes 6-8 day tours on the Danube. Seeing such beautiful ships made me want to try out what such a multi-day cruise is like. Later, just as we were about to leave, another cargo ship came, so we could see how it was coming from the other side, and then the huge gate was closed.

Yes, you see right, that's a car over there. I think that if the ship engine dies, the couple of hundred horses can still be used as a rear drive. Don't worry, I was joking...😁


Just a little reminder that human kindness is much needed, like drinking water in a desert. Let's be kind and tolerant with each other, be it in physical reality and on the Internet as well. A kind word, a smile, a few small actions, or just listening to someone, we may have already helped someone in something, even if subconsciously.


Since summer has arrived, I'll end this post with some "classic music" for this week. ATB was my favorite for a long time during my teenage years and I still love to listen to it, its sound world still enchants me and I'm full of nostalgia. I remember when I was in high school, I used my savings to buy an original CD for the first time and it was an ATB album. My biggest investment was a Philips CD Walkman where I needed to travel to the biggest city near me to get one and not overpriced, because my family only had a cassette radio player at home. Today's young people will never feel the pain when the music skips, stops and not loading and you can't play your favorite songs because the CD is lightly scratched...

Have a nice weekend and a very good brand new week :)

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