"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Vilma Capuano - The conscious or wakening pilgrim - 24.06.2024


"See it's all a mind creation, a never ending movie, a terrible dream. Look at the Dream (life in illusion) Be aware of the dream: that is consciousness. Become more interested in Dream Consciousness than in the Dream. ~ Adyashanti

“We are all visitors of this time, of this place. Our purpose is to observe, learn, grow, love... After that we are going Home "(~Native Proverb)

"We forgot our Home, where we came from .... Our attachment to life and material values has become so strong that we do not remember It...
How can you go to a place you don't know exists?
This is why spirituality is the science and art of Remembering. "~Lord Ram M. Maharaj
"If you are an authentic liberation seeker, you need to be willing... because in the moment of Liberation, everything falls apart... Suddenly the ground beneath your feet disappears.. You stay alone because you realized there is no such thing as separation. There is only you: the Self, the unlimited emptiness, the pure consciousness.
To the ego mind this seems scary... she looks at the infinite and infinite, and projects meaninglessness and despair.
To the ego, Absolute Freedom might seem scary.
But when the mind of ego is abandoned, the vision changes from despair to Joy ...
In Liberation you realized you don't need any kind of support. ... have you realized that the notion of a separated you doesn't exist anymore... because everywhere you look, all you see is You. “~Adyashanti
With the massive infusion of solar energy for evolutionary change of the psyche, the goal is for human consciousness to realize that it is working simultaneously in many realities.
In this Phase of Remembrance, lucid dreams are happening in greater numbers enabling us to understand the activity of the multidimensional "hologame" in which we are inserted.
Laying down focus is essential Send Gratitude to the Universe, Call for protection to your Angels, Masters, to be together, creating a Vibrational Shield until you complete the journey to higher realities.

"As you walk towards the path to creating your perfect world, there will be those who will try to put up walls redirecting your action. Most of the time, it is a subconscious reaction of the security protocol itself... a way of keeping yourself and others safe. around in the same place you chose to be. Instead of responding negatively or combatively, this is your opportunity to practice everything you have learned so far: Unconditional love, compassion, kindness, and joy. as you continue your own Journey." ~ Creator by Jennifer Farley
Wilma Capuano

source - facebook

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