"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Cosmic Gateway - New wave of Soul´s preparing to come online, supporting the Collective Timeline shift - 24.06.2024

Hey, Soul Tribe

How are you feeling?

This past week has been extremely hectic energetically, which might have left you feeling exhausted. There is a lot of busyness happening in the multidimensional field right now, which can make us feel physically tired & stretched quite thin.

This especially can take a toll on our physical bodies, as we are continually adjusting to new waves of light & frequency coming in.

During the night, I was watching a very bright white energy coming through, almost like a 'blankslate' being rolled out for some people I'm preparing for their next Soul Upgrading phase.
I got the sense that this is a wider group within the collective, that have held off their Soul's expansion process due to getting stuck or entangled in things like safety & comfort of a dissatisfaction jobs, relationships, and most of all the own Personal limitations.

I truly believe that this was designed by them to stay in a semi unconscious state for this period of time to have very earthly experiences.

This will now bring them into a seeking phase, a desire to pursue something more meaningful, and to consciously work at understanding themselves at a deeper level. This initially will shake up their own personal identity, having a who am I crisis

I do feel most likely those who are reading this post aren't within this particular group of people. However, you may take on the role of being to support & guide to some of these people through this stage.

It feels that we have been working to hold space for this group for a while now, preparing for the next wave of souls to get activated. These one are important as I feel they will quickly get up to speed and will support a collective tipping point.

This has been one of the biggest collective timeline shifts as we hit the midpoint of this year.
I do feel that this has contributed to the sense of unease many of us have been traversing through, feeling anxious, uncomfortable, overwhelmed & hopeless at times. As I mentioned in a previous post, this is the larger scale Timeline shifting that is in progress.

For those front runners, we are weaving in & out of this, almost like a catchment net to round up the next group.

As they move into a new frequency, so do we! This phase has almost come into a competition. As I got the visuals last night, I felt the sense of another influx in Solar Flares, which will support this activation.

Waking up this morning & seeing the almost X Class flare & the Schumann wipe out, this felt very confirming to what I was shown almost in real time.

Symptoms of Timeline Shifts:

Mental Confusion & Disorientation
Headaches, Dissiness, or loss of balance
Agitated, Irritability & Depressive Moods
Feeling disconnected
Heightened Sensitivity ~ Sounds & Light
Lethargic, fatigued, and energetic overwhelm
Very vivid dream space that feels more real than this reality in contrast
Changes in food consumption ~ no appetite to very hungry
Feeling the need to be in solitude
Massive matrix glitches ~ Electronics playing up, breaking, or just not working

Of course, following your own internal guidance is best to manoeuvre through this passageway. ~ we are Ascension experts at this point & know what works best for our process

Keeping it simple, rest, hydrate, meditation, energy clearing & get immersed in nature.
Keeping in mind that if you're one of the frontrunners, you might feel guided to work on your next level of service, Soul Mission & I feel for many preparing to be comfortable becoming more visible
If you have received this, it's time to embrace your uniqueness, talents & what you've shown up to do during this time

Alisha Braché

See all courses The Elevation Training Collection provides you with comprehensive information & tools that support moving into New Earth: https://www.cosmicg8way.com/courses

Need 1:1 Assistance see Soul Sessions:

source - facebook


  1. As has been predicted by an Indian philosopher: people, specifically younger people, will become more spiritual in this decade.

    These energetic shifts seem to be proving this statement true.

    1. Yeah, but also other generations too...sometimes life can hit them hard that the only way is to go inward and turn into spirituality
