"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy - You are not here to save the world - 25.06.2024

JUNE 25 2024

To All the Living Children:

"You are not here to save the world.
If you have any part that still believes that
then you are still occupying a childish and ignorant position with a false sense of power.
The false sense of power was the main reason why the children became a subject to deception and finally fell from Grace.
The children/young ones were deceived via sweet, pleasant and mesmerising means and ways,
like candies, beautiful music or sweet promises.
This was permitted by the elders
by allowing the children to take a real taste of their ideas/choices
within the frame of a protected environment
so that the children could learn the responsibility of their own choices
and know that each choice,
brings certain results in the real world.
You are not here to save the world.
You are here to save yourself.
You deserved what you experienced.
Every bit of it because this is mathematics.
Own it, Respect it, Love it, All of it!
Because you are here to learn and evolve
so that one day you can become a conscious adult creator in self responsibility and self accountability and in true knowing of your true position and sense of power in this scheme of all things.
The tree is showing the way.
So for now you do not get to tell energy what to do.
You get to humbly follow energy until you can truly become wise and knowledgeable enough so that one day you can be able to tell it what to do in a safe manner.
This world doesn't need saving because
this world follows a very detailed and purposed program.
The program was here before you and it will be here after you.
The program will continue until its predestined end
because there are many Souls who are still learning through it.
The mind of the traumatized ego is an unreliable advisor.
If your mind is still telling you that you are here to save the world,
know that your mind is lying to you,
it is projecting onto the world its inner ignorance, fear and unfulfilled needs,
hiding an immature and false sense of power
but remember,
this was the main reason for falling!
So if you continue believing that you are some kind of a savior of others,
you are still in the fallen position and the true flows of Life cannot fully reach you.
There is suffering and lack in the false position.
Please leave the world as it wants to be.
The world was never truly the reason for your suffering, it doesn't need fixing in the way you think.
The world has a sacred purpose in the service of so many different families and their stories!
Know your place.
You are here to save yourself and find your place.
Every Time you do that,
every time you get in a position of self responsibility,
self awareness,
self remembrance and self-realization
then simultaneously,
the corrected energy is being also
offered to the flow of your family via the unseen natural laws
that run this system and
all of your ancestral line is receiving organic healing and benefits from this,
both your earthly and godly family are benefiting as they are directly connected.
If everyone would focus on themselves and family then the healed collective of families,
would create a different world.
Know your place,
step out of self deception and the illusion of grandiose,
this is a fallen position.
Work with yourself and your family,
your Diamond Code and your Genealogy,
that is enough.
Admit the truth to yourself and allow correction with humbleness
via more listening and less talking.
Know that all the Mothers and the Fathers behind you,
are waiting for you to grow up."

-The next 5D healing surgery
is on the 2nd of July
at 17:00 Athens time.
Please book your place on time
(+ the names of 3 blood family members to also receive healing through your process).
Blessings of Love!

Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
I'm on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Join the Telegram channel:

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