"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Vilma Capuano - The sixth sense - 27.06.2024


“There is a voice that doesn’t use words. Listen. ” ~ Rumi

The refining of Consciousness is now made easier because Humanity has gained another chance to Choose Evolution. The Ultimate.
We're hearing voices, seeing flashes of light, feeling emotions and vibrations from energetic fields of environments and people around us. We receive insights and alerts in lucid dream recall for our inter-dimensional travels. Synchronicities...
Welcome Telepathy, Clarity Audience and Clarity as gifts that are being activated by the advancement of your Perception and Intuition into expanding Consciousness.
They are not to alarm and confuse
They are multidimensional tools, our higher aspects, our Personal Power to access guidance, protection and clarity on the reality of Illusion.
It is the skills catalyzed in the Empowerment process needed to deal with events in the times approaching the completion of the old world cycle.
This is the Purpose of our incarnation: to transform the dissonant and polarized energy of 3D, assisting the completion of Gaia's quantum leap.
The functionality of Telepathy, our INTRANET Network, can be defined as Instinctive, based on feelings, the Mental, mind to mind, and the Spiritual: connecting soul to soul.
INSTINCTIVE TELEPATHY uses solar plexus, the center of emotions. It's detectable in human masses and animal migration patterns. You can easily see how domestic animals feel in anticipation of their owners arrival. When they get lost, they find their home again by guiding themselves in the "morphic field" - the "avleys of information" in space-time.
Among humans, some feel at a distance the feelings or needs of another through strong emotional bonds, in cases of emergencies, danger, death, when a thought filled with an intense emotion is sent between them.
Australians, and other Indigenous peoples like the Kahunas of Hawaii, believe telepathic messages are sent directly from one solar plexus to another by a string of an “aka” substance establishing the bond. This is the "Silver Cord" which unites the upper and lower vehicles during the composition of the dense physical body, and which only disconnects when the body of matter dies.
It's common to say "I trusted my gut for this decision" or "My gut told me not to trust this person"... and I didn't want to listen.
The existence of this instinctive command was supported by research in the book "The Second Brain" - as a source of the unconscious reactions in this Plexus that are communicated to the main brain.
MENTAL TELEPATHY, or thought transfer, uses the center of the throat and the lower levels of the mental plane, and is done between people who are fully aware and focused directly on something. It's different from mediocrity.
For decades, great powers have been testing secret military laboratories to use that power in espionage. Helena Blavatsky, Helena Roerich and Alice Bailey left teachings on this technique that will be used by evolved Humanity.
SPIRITUAL TELEPATHY, soul to soul, utilizes the highest mental levels when a connection between the brain, mind, and soul is created activating the ability to serve as an intermediary between the physical and spiritual realms.
The Masters and Beings of Light seek those with this direct line of communication to convey information that will be spread through thought streams and recorded by the Collective.
So your ideas are given to specific individuals. The Rainbow Children, Indigos and Crystals are already arriving with these active tools.
The "Geniuses of Humanity" used the soul as a portal to access a universal source of inspiration. Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Einstein - explained the vibration of the universal currents of Divine thought: “Creative geniuses have the power to appropriate the beauty, grandeur, and sublime within their own souls and to communicate these riches to others. ” (Puccini)
It is "a condition in which the conscious mind is temporarily suspended and the superconscious is in control as part of the Omnipotence. ”( Brahms). "All the great breakthroughs were involved in this Jump." ( Einstein )
Are you willing ?
Wilma Capuano
Image: - "Why don't earthlings use telepathy? "
- "They still have a lot to hide from each other."

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