"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence - Consciusness - 18.06.2024

Always, within the Divine Love, your consciousness is wanting you to become it…Here…In body.
And the way it becomes you, is by incrementally, YOU rising in energetic frequency, via one embodiment stage after another.

Your Consciousness is outside of all time and all space. Already of the Divine Source Creator.
Your consciousness feeds you a unique step by step design, tailor made for the ‘human personality’ type, experiencing within degrees of seeming forgetfulness. Your consciousness feeds you a NON Linear design. Multiple parts, to give focus to.

You get to understand your consciousness facet and it’s ways of presenting, teaching, supporting you, via your inner ATTENTION to it. You learn you are not the personality or any identity. You are consciousness, experiencing a human in this realm and game, as a human life form. Your consciousness experiences (via light and frequency projections), many multiple species all at once. But here, your focus is primarily, the human projection experience upon an Earth Projection. All is holographic, made of Light, Frequencies and Vibrarional Waves. Where the 5 senses increase the REAL of it all, in the projected REALITY.

Your consciousness is made of HIGHER FREQUENCY Light, frequencies and vibrations. It creates from ITSelf, out. It is not human or any other species. It works only as Light, frequency and vibration.

When your human tunes inwards to FEELING, you are attuning to ENERGY at variable and various frequencies. The more SENTIENT you choose to become, the more you FEEL ENERGY and it’s vast array of HIGHER FREQUENCY VIBRATIONS. And the more you physically see everything is ALL made up of Light Photons.

When you become adept at FEELING (incrementally) higher hertz energy FREQUENCIES, they become you, if you are constantly choosing them. And then you find there are more higher hertz frequencies within you to align to, choose, and become THOSE YET higher hertz frequencies. The more you make YOUR energy a focus, the easier it becomes to change frequency at will. Within one second. It becomes as easy as changing a radio station to a higher hertz frequency.

Your brain is a receiver. At a certain point in each one’s awakening journey, your brain begins to fire electricity to many dormant neurons within the brain. It then creates series upon series of multiple VIBRATIONAL PATTERNS and PULSES to various parts of the brain. And then the body. Over time, this allows for higher frequency wavelengths to be UNDERSTOOD and thus interpreted by the ‘human’ mind. Those higher frequency wavelengths were always being received. Just that your brain could not interpret and process them into knowledge and more abilities, at the former, dominant, lower hertz operating frequencies.

This is also why, your consciousness sets up the so called ‘lessons’, for the human personality. To show the personality their own emotions created as a result of their very own thoughts. As to become the higher frequency state of Consciousness this lifetime, behaviours, beliefs, human reactions, fears, controlling nature over self or others etc has to be seen. To then (if a person wishes) choose not to have those lower frequency thoughts, emotions, behaviours, that lead to actions taken at a lower frequency operating state of being. Your consciousness not only creates for those circumstances to arise, to be seen, it also helps YOU to REMEMBER. Giving you informational data that opens within you, based on your Path and onward life here with human body.

And so, wanting to become our non physical consciousness is like flexing a muscle that has not been used by degrees. The more we choose our consciousness, the more we expand into it. Become it, in tandem to the human physical. And the more we unpackage light data. Light is filled with data. As we have chosen to be ‘on board’ with our CONSCIOUSNESS. It is a much much higher frequency than all bandwidths (all dimensions). It is beyond all dimensions.

Being OPEN minded, staying open minded no matter what you think you now know or think you don’t know, allows the process. To never put yourself, your life, anything or anyone in a box. This is what the human personality does in attempting to feel safe, in control and learn, using the ‘old’ operating system way of learning. Our consciousness isn’t wanting us to learn academcially from outside of us, which is the way humanity is taught to learn by others since birth. It wants us to FEEL IT, by being SENTIENT (feel) from the inside. As our consciousness is Light, of endless frequencies and vibrations. And so to not box any thought or idea up, but stay open to your infinite state. That never ends.

And the way is simple, for every man, woman and child throughout this world of diversity and inner uniqueness. The way is through your own heart of LOVE. For LOVE is the portal and access point to the Infinite. God left no one. Source was always experiencing you as ItSelf, within ITSelf. This lifetime, YOU can experience Self Realisation of this and live from it. Imagine a world that lives only in the higher hertz frequencies. And this world shall know peace, never ending love, soul wisdoms, and never ending high speed knowledge that is ONLY used for the benefit of ALL. For All IS The One. We ‘Dream’ this into existence.

With Love Always,
18 June 2024
source - facebook

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