"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Pam Gregory - the rest of the year at the 3D level the energy changes - 13.06.2024

From this point on for the rest of the year at the 3D level (and remember we don't have to live at that level, we can observe from our Eagle's perch) the energy changes. On Monday as I posted, on the 9th the 50 year arrangement of the US $ as the 'petrodollar' ended. Nothing is apparently being reported on mainstream channels about this, but it will have very significant consequences for the US economy, and ripple out in the global economy and power dynamics around the world.

Astrologically this is not just reflecting the US Pluto Return which I've been speaking about for the last 2 years, with Pluto in the second house of the country's chart signifying the economy and currency (chart set for 4th July 1776, 17.10 Philadelphia), but also the upcoming Full Moon in Capricorn on June 21st/22nd (the US Pluto is at 27° Capricorn) is opposing US Venus, representing the wealth and currency of a country.

We will see this manifesting more strongly in July with a second Full Moon in Capricorn on July 21st, this time at 29°, so conjunct the US Pluto, and this degree is highly activated by transiting Pluto all this year.

Before that, from July 14th-16th but really being felt several days either side of that we have a conjunction between Mars and Uranus at 26° Taurus. This is also conjunct the Fixed Star Algol, linked to people 'losing their heads', or leaders falling from power. (We actually have this conjunction between Uranus and Algol now, and President Macron of France and the Belgian Prime Minister have both lost their positions after very poor showings in their country's elections). This conjunction is excellent for awakening, but energetically is volatile, combustible and eruptive. It is the classic signature of earthquakes of all kinds. I understand this is also when the US Republican Convention is being held.

On June 11th, we had a very forceful square between Mars and Pluto, which we had in the late Cardinal signs on October 7th, the day of the Hamas attack on Israel. So an assertive show of force in the world was expected. This was the day that Russian warships began military exercises around 60 miles off the coast of Florida and are now heading towards Cuba. These exercises have not happened for some years, and clearly are a show of strength in light of the war between Russia and Ukraine.

So be aware that over the rest of the year events such as these will get louder, more dramatic and more colourful. When Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn for the last time in its 248 year cycle from September 2nd to November 19th this year, you may even feel that things are going backwards. That is what certain people want you to think. Your focus and where you put your attention is everything here. If you go into fear, you will not be able to perceive the amazing timeline to New Earth which is emerging more clearly every day, as you will be in a different frequency.

Stay strong, know that the cosmology, the physics of light, the Yuga cycle, the astrology, the ancient prophecies are all coinciding to lift humanity into a very different future which is more loving, peaceful and compassionate.

More than ever, find peace, love and stillness inside yourself. When many of this do this, it changes the future trajectory of the timelines. So I am sharing this so you know what to expect in this second half of 2024 and not think that it's 'all gone wrong' when world events become loud. Could it be that these are louder as distractions for your attention, as humanity is evolving so quickly? Then decide that you will not fall into that same old way of being of reacting fearfully to 'another really big scary thing'.

Stand strong, know that we are all holding hands and heading towards a very different and exciting future. We are all ultimately coming together as one humanity, connected with our hearts. Events this year will make more people want to come together in unity consciousness.
Many blessings to you all on this amazing journey.

US tracking Russian warships in Cuba

source - facebook

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