"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Vilma Capuano - Self-consent


Expressing your Will increases your self-esteem and your Power.

“Intentional action is your power. Break the shackles of your limited beliefs; free yourself from the fear programming constantly offered. Look beyond the obvious and realize that what is being portrayed is just one possible reality that could unfold. What we would like to convey is that these challenges and this physical life are just one aspect of who you are as a multidimensional divine being. ~Hathors

Self-Consent is the internal dynamic that we must be able to say yes or no to what is happening externally and internally, feeling safe, respected, and creating change in our lives.

Vigilance to carry out The Call

To answer The Call of Spiritual Purpose during the Earthly Journey, monitor your thoughts, what you see, what you hear, the companies around you, and anchor yourself in new foundations by recognizing your weaknesses. This is the Light Seeding process empowered by Will – the Power coming from Spirit to resist that which does not belong to your best and highest.

Have you ever realized that being around some people destroys you, and others makes you stronger. It's not about making friends or enemies, about selfishness, about putting yourself on a pedestal or getting advantages, but about being safe and useful to yourself, not being at the mercy of fear and pain.

It's about being kind to yourself and others without allowing yourself to become drained, remaining in a positive energetic spiral of renewing Life through Conscious Choices.
When we learn to listen to our internal “yes” and “no” signals, we respect our needs and limits. Traumas fissure consciousness because they come from the experience of having personal Power taken away on some level.

Make Choices, from the smallest to the largest, being able to “hear” or “see” the signs, or not, getting it right or not, continuing on your Path with the protection offered by your own limits in decision-making with the security of expanding the sensation of peace and harmony that aligns you with Wholeness.

In this way you break old harmful patterns of behavior, and right action is the consequence because it expresses authentic nature by following the flow of the universal current to which the soul is connected.
Vilma Capuano

source - facebook

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