"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Judith Kusel - As our consciousness rises, multi-dimensionality becomes the norm - 11.06.2024

"As our consciousness rises, multi-dimensionality becomes the norm.

The Shift now is that into the Higher Heart, where the Soul is fully embodied and where all judgements of self and others fall away, as well as all separation and alienation. The Higher Soul self now takes charge and thus the lower self, the ego-self is transcended.

More than it is transcendental love – love beyond anything we have ever known before, all-embracing, infinite love for which there are no words, and this is FELT, KNOWN within the Soul itself, as One with All That Is!

I had one of those experiences yesterday when I encountered one of the new Central Sun Children, while shopping. He must have been about one year old, and the first thing was noticed were his eyes, and more than this the brilliant sacred geometric symbol of his own soul on his forehead. It was an encounter: Soul to soul, soul reading soul, and his eyes were penetrating the core of soul. He did not smile, he did not blink, he was telepathically communicating with me, that he was here as the New Human, and to fully cocreate the New Golden Age.

I said to his parents, as both were present: “How blessed you are to bring this Sun Child into form and being. He is a great blessing to this planet.” They both looked at me as I had just stepped off another galaxy, but I could see that something very deep triggered within.

Afterwards the little boy. who remained silent throughout, and only when I wanted to move, uttered a sound, and stretched out his hand, as he now wanted me to touch him. All I saw was blinding light.

Multi-dimensionality allows you to finally shake the old Earth off you for good. You start to see what no artificial intelligence can ever reflect, and that is the infinity which exists within all of creation, visible and invisible, known and unknown. You start tuning into the higher dimensions and “read” them, feel them, experience them, for your soul is boundless. It is merely recognizing what it already knows.

The more we experience this, the more we expand into the truth of who and what we are, and shed the old personas, the ego, and old way of life, as we simply do not need all of that any longer, as we are cocreating already in the New Earth and anchoring in the New Golden Age, with love, through love, and in Love, always in the highest and best, most loving way, for the highest good of all."

Judith Kusel
Photo: Mario Duguay
source - facebook

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