"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Cosmic Gateway - A very thin threshold between this world & the new Earth - 11.06.2024

Hey Soul Tribe,

How are you feeling June's Energies?

I woke this morning aware of a huge White Wall of Energy just suspended on the right side of me, normally these visions fade away, however this has stayed with me all day ...

Curious as to why it hadn't faded from my awareness, I knew that it required some investigation...

This White Wall of energy, which feels as though it represents Higher Consciousness & a very new noticable reality. This is no loger coming down into our sphere or realm it's actually grounded here right beside us.

This is the graduale ebb and flow into this whole new experience, it's right here awaiting us. I feel for the most part, more of our Conciousness is operating there then it is here at times... We have been preparing for shift as much as it has been awaiting us. It's part of the splitting of from the Old Earth & Merge within this New Earth Reality

This year has been the most expansive, yet hardest to navigate because it's unlike any other year. We've certainly moved out of the predictability of past Energy & Ascension Cycles & moved into a new phase which is about learning to navigate daily.

This Energy feels as though it's pulling us towards it, their is a calling... A vortex which has opened up, it's funnelling us into this space.

I'm reminded that this is where I've been dreaming of since late March almost nightly, it truly is the New Earth in every sense of the world. It's pristine beauty

This is where many people who have transitioned already are awaiting us, it's their love for us that guides us into this place

You may notice:

Feeling very disconnected from this Reality as though it's lost meaning or lacks lustre
Feeling as though you're 'not really here' your physical body is going through the motions yet your Conciousness or a greater position of yourself in elsewhere
Feeling lots of changes within your physical body, headaches, pressure in the chest, a strange pixelatate sensation as though you're body is being reconstructed
Very vivid & vibration dreams, which feel more real. Dreams where you're connecting with Loved ones who have crossed, higher dimensional beings etc
Get the sense that you're setting up a new space, doing your best work & fulfilling your Soul Mission (I believe that we are constructing the next phase of our Soul Mission in this Space.)
Waves of deep emotions, sadness, grief, anger or frustration ~ This feels like a mourning of the Old Earth & Old life.
Lots of Mental confusion, seems as nothing makes sense from a linear or traditional logic mindset (We are being taught to move out of the mind into heart resonance)

Best ways to navigate through:

Prepare your Energetic Alignment as regular as possible
Rest & give the body time to connect & merge with this Energy & New Earth Reality
Follow the intuitive Guidance which comes through dreams, deep inner knowledge & wisdom
Clear your Heart Space & work with using this as your primary navigation tool
Allow yourself to unplug from previous Energy & Timelines that may be present within your Energy Field
Work with creativity as its you're best tool to connect with this New Consciousness
Allow yourself to operate from the Higher vantage points
Seek guidance if you need additional support

Much Love
Alisha Braché

See all Courses The Elevation Training Collection provides you with comprehensive information & tools which support movin into New Earth: https://www.cosmicg8way.com/courses

Need 1:1 Assistance see Soul Sessions:

source - facebook

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