"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy - Energy update and announcement - 26.06.2024

JUNE 26 2024

The Tree via the Holy Grail,
if we are now adult enough as Souls,
is giving us back our freedoms, rights
and positions via the flows of the Resurrected Solar Trinity!
Each is receiving what he/she deserves at the time being
and this process will continue according to One's evolution!
In the following days both Saturn and Neptune will turn retrograde,
beginning a period of self examination and re-evaluation of the personal choices
and developments of the last months.
This will be a perfect period for the revelation and clearing
of any pending illusions, deceptions and miscalculations
and also for the recognition of previous
false decisions, choices and positions
so that full correction and growth can be attained
but this will also be a wonderful period for all previous aligned decisions, choices and developments
to be fully anchored and established
and new creative endeavours and projects to be planned.
I am really happy to announce that soon
I will open a new chapter in my Spiritual journey
that will include me traveling in different countries
for the 5D healing and guidance, different
workshops, teachings and retreats of Self growth and alignment to the Organic Flows
but also creating
them in Greece so that people can connect
and enjoy the energy of this sacred land.
I will be very happy to meet and work with you in person.
I will post more on this soon.
Also Mars will soon reach the point at which the egg hatched/sealed opened
back in April at the 22⁰ of Taurus,
so we are expecting a powerful and full alignment of the masculine with this energy
which will also affect the physical reality and world developments.
We are very close to the moment that the energy that this seal is bringing to the masses,
will unfold and be seen and felt.
When this takes place we have received the message that many people
will wake up and will look for guidance and tools of healing and alignment.
This was the initial guidance that I had also last year
in order to bring back
the 5D healing, surgery, adjustment and upgrade sessions.
My intention is always for people to connect with me
after having the inner guidance from their Higher Self
and 5d Twin Flame Union and Family.
I am aware that the information that is being revealed
during the 5D healing is often challenging
and that some,
are not even ready always to accept it
but it is a necessary and powerful
step of cleansing, karmic liberation and adjustment to the current energies
that otherwise it would take many years for one to achieve
and this is why the 5D Light Families are guiding people towards this process.
I have witnessed how the 5D Families are orchestrating these healings and how
often the correction that is taking place,
is connected to a wider group of Souls
and the overall karmic restoration which once it is performed,
it liberates the individual from really heavy and old energies
that were blocking or entrapping him/her in many different levels in their life.
Generally speaking,
the 5D healing surgery
can free people from the karmic burdens that might be still active in their system, still causing suffering, illness and misalignment and
clearly reveal to them the lesson that needs to be taken on a Soul level
so that they can freely move ahead in their alignment to the path of Ascension and be born again!
-Here is a heartfelt review that a 5D participant who has also been working with me
in private sessions, kindly shared on the review section of the page.
Please feel free to leave a review of the page
on your 5D healing surgery experience or private/group work and healing.
‘’I‘d like to highly recommend the private sessions with Eirini
as well as the 5D Spiritual Healing Surgery guided by her!
I‘ve been working with her for some time now and through her therapy and support I could recognize,
release, transform (…) many traumas, programs and history records.
A work I‘ve tried to do for many years and in only some months with her help was possible to reach.
I have the feeling that through the 5D Spiritual Healing Surgery a cut with some old subjects was made.
I think it was a big preparation for the energies we are receiving now in our systems,
enabling me to experience them in a very blissful way
Thank you very much for your serious work and big beliefs on your guidance!
Also for the sharing and application of your wide and deep knowledge!’’

-Following are the dates of the upcoming
5D Healing, surgery, adjustment and upgrade:
• 5D Healing Surgery
On Tuesday, the 2nd of July
at 17:00 Athens time zone
• 5D Healing Surgery
On Tuesday, the 13th of August
At 13:00 Athens time zone
(Suitable for eastern timezones)
Please book your place on time at ourtruespiritualfamily@gmail.com
(+ the names of 3 blood family members
to also receive healing through your process).

I will also announce soon
the dates for our group sessions in July.
I was told that this is a major month for the process of the Rising Phoenix!
We have been anticipating this phase of restoration very much as it is connected to the restoration of the Kundalini
Blessings of Joy!

Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
I'm on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Join the Telegram channel:

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