"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Pam Gregory - Saturn retrograde and Neptune in Pisces - 06. 2024

Saturn is barely moving a minute a day now, and stations retrograde on Saturday 29th at 19° Pisces. It will stay at 19° Pisces for most of July, and remember that retrograde planets are always closer to the Earth, with the symbolism of the planet felt more strongly around the retrograde.

See where 19° Pisces falls in your chart, which house area. What is needed work, attention, discipline in that area of life right now, connected to spiritual matters perhaps, or water issues. It is almost laughable it is so literal for me in my 4th house of the home as since Saturn entered that house I have had numerous plumbing and leakage issues - plumber here again now to fix another leak!!

Saturn can be really excellent to focus the mind on a particular goal or issue. It acts as a reality check on how well we feel our spiritual progress is moving and for some you may have an urge to deepen your spiritual (Pisces) discipline (Saturn).

When planets move retrograde there is usually a sense of 'going back over' some ground connected with that particular sign or planet. Pisces is linked to viruses and illness, and Saturn linked to rules and regulations around those, often governmental as it rules Capricorn. This retrograde period of re-evaluation may get us to a different place versus how we may have reacted initially to such matters. Would we react the same again now, or has something shifted in our worldview?

Just a few days later on July 2nd, Neptune moves stationary direct at the very last degree of the zodiac, 29°55' Pisces. This highlights the end of A WORLD, not THE WORLD, but I believe the beginning of the end of a major episode for humanity. Both Neptune and Pisces are linked to water, the seas and oceans, toxicity and pollution, drugs, addictions, viruses, blood, oil, the immune system, deceptions, lies and illusions. It feels like the veil is being pulled back on such deceptions at this time, that may result in some people feeling ungrounded or losing their footing.

Try to stay in stillness, peace, love, bare feet on the ground, feeling the Oneness of all living beings. Can you blend with the animals, the trees perhaps, and feel what they are feeling? This sense of merging or morphing will be using Neptune energy well, as long as you stay grounded. This energy is excellent for boosting your creativity and your spiritual practice, so meditate, do breathwork, listen to sacred music, paint, write, sing, dance . .. . and imagine that you are breathing in love, and breathing out love. Neptune when used well can take us to the 'zone of no time', dropping into that sense of deep presence and connection to Source and unconditional love.

As the old world crumbles and Neptune and Saturn in Pisces are a big part of the 'dissolution of 3D reality and linear time', start to dream a new dream. Many current aspects of our lives may fall away (see where Neptune is falling in your chart to get a sense of where this may be 'dissolving'), and the astrological message is very much to let the old go. Start to imagine what an ideal life would look like; perhaps a different geography, with different people, different work/study etc. All of this is preparation for when Saturn and Neptune begin to enter Aries (0°-1°) from May to August 2025, then enter 0° Aries fully in February 2026, and we may start to get a glimpse of what that means for us with the retrogrades.

Saturn has a 29 year orbit and Neptune a 165 year orbit, so together they represent a new episode of 'making real the dream', and spiritual (Neptune) mastery (Saturn). By then Pluto will have entered Aquarius fully in November 2024 for another 20 years, and Uranus will have begun to enter Gemini for another 7 years in 2025. So we are entering a period of great endings and beginnings personally and collectively.

The outer planets are shifting from slow, heavy Earth and Water signs into Air and Fire, so things will be happening faster for us which we are all feeling now. Linear time will shift and slip as we discover more of our multidimensionality. The next two years are quite remarkable in terms of the speed of change for humanity.

So allow yourself to flow, morph, be lighter of foot, flexible, adaptable, and see if you can imagine your future self in a couple of years. Can you see yourself as more crystalline? More of the lightbody? Less 'fixed' in your habits and views? Neptune being highlighted here will increase our sense of compassion so polarities soften, and we shift closer to unity consciousness.

Start now to dream a new dream of your future self, and pull that vision towards you to magnetise a more evolved you.
Many blessings to you all.

source - facebook

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