"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Judith Kusel - animal communication and telepathy - 16.06.2024

"This brings me to animal communication and telepathy. All animals communicate through their eyes just as we do, and more than this through their heart center. You can easily read an animal simply by gazing into their eyes. Their body language will also reveal to you whether they are frightened, or tense, or if they sense the love pouring from you, and if so they will just be still and silent and allow the communication to flow. (Just as you read them, they will read you.) This is true for all living creatures. Snakes are often more afraid of people than they are of them! When you communicate your intentions not to harm them, they will not harm you.

My father instilled this wisdom in me since I was small. “Never show fear to an animal. Simply stand still and look it straight in the eye, and never, ever turn your back on them.”

When you enter a place, call in the Guardians and Keepers and Ancient Ones, so it will be prepared for you. This includes trees, plants, rocks, animals, birds etc. When you enter these areas, you will become aware that all is filled with light, in ways which are just subtly different from what it normally is. The harshness disappears. There is a stillness. And more than this, peace.

When I sense or see an animal, I will simply open my heart center and fill it with love. I will stand still, and allow my heart to expand, and they will normally follow suit. With antelope the eyes are full and soft. Their eyes talk. Then simply beam the love in your heart, like a white ball, into their heart center. They will immediately react and expand themselves towards you in some form or way. This then opens the door to silent communication.

When I cannot see the animal, like the time when the lions were roaring around the camp at night and I could not see nor approach them, I simply knew that one of them wanted to communicate with me. Indeed, I had a picture of him coming into my mind telepathically during the day, and so knew who it was. I sent a ball of love and light from my heart center to him, and he began communicating telepathically with me. I had the most profound conversation with him. I never saw this lion in real life, but I communicated with his soul and he with mine.

There are no restrictions to where your soul can go and be. Telepathy is not restricted by distance. You can telepathically communicate with someone in outer space. I often do. That is how I communicate with the Intergalactic crew and Ashtar.

In ancient times this was the norm, and the manner in which you communicated with everything and everyone, and you teleported yourself to wherever you wished to be.
It is we who have forgotten it all, because of the density we fell into. "

Copyright Applies: Excerpt from my "The White Flame of Illumination" Level IV Course.
Judith Kusel
Photo: Judith Kusel
source - facebook

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