"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Vilma Capuano - Real life


Real Life begins when you are impacted by despair and hopelessness that you are powerless to cancel an experience that changed your destiny. Then begin your training to understand that this collapse is of the Ephemeral - the visible reality of what is finite - and that you possess nothing permanently. The flow of existence will continue to bring other challenges.

The focus for new manifestations to reflect the highest frequencies must be on the concepts of what really grounds Life, on the infinite things, and which remain within to be achieved by touching them in Consciousness.

Believing only in the form of what exists in matter gives strength to resist transformation to expand spiritually by dismantling the identity and concepts formed by the ego, which only has a restricted function to function in 3D.

Question yourself to empower yourself, gain the skills to see the Truth, because when it is necessary to make a decisive choice that will bring predictable consequences or not, good or bad, enjoy joy or learn to tolerate difficult emotions, you are alone in the responsibility. to follow the Way Back Home, that Home that transcends the space of losing and winning in the game of experiences of the Earthly Journey.

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“These are the words of that Angel who has the Seven Divine spirits and the Seven stars: - I have opened before you a Door that no one can close. Listen!

I know his works; remember therefore what you have received and heard; ...guard what you have, so that no one takes your crown...

I know what you are doing. I know they have little strength.

You have followed My teachings... a few who have not defiled their garments,... and will walk with Me, dressed in white, for they are worthy.” ~Revelation 3:1-11

The Pleiades, a cluster that has 7 brightest stars with a predominantly blue spectrum, takes on various meanings in different sacred texts from various cultures of native peoples.

I, who have already felt the vibration of the Pleiadian Frequency in several opportunities of contact and Self-Healing, can testify that a multidimensional energetic ecstasy is experienced as before the Presence of Angels announcing that we can reach, still incarnated as humans, the vibratory condition for Life Real.

This is the Purpose in this extreme phase of the planetary Transition.

."As you're on the front lines of your next deployment, remember to keep breathing. There may be a few things you don't understand...yet...and that's okay. Take a few moments out of your day and listen calmly; you will receive the necessary information. If a situation or experience starts to make you uncomfortable, take a step back, look at it from another angle and ask for help if necessary. Taking care of yourself and your emotional health at this time is essential! ." ~ Creator by Jennifer Farley

Vilma Capuano

source - facebook

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