"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Vilma Capuano - June Solstice 2024


The Portal opens today for 7 days. June is named after the Roman Mother Goddess, Juno, the Queen of Heaven and consort of Jupiter, the Father God.
It is celebrated as the Festival of the Sun in Peru - called Inti Raymi by the Incas in honor of the Apu Inti or Sun God, the most important and powerful entity of Tawantinsuyo.
The date is celebrated at sunrise in the sign of Cancer in the Northern Hemisphere through the sunlight that enters aligned with the “hele” stone in Stonehenge, the Altar Stone, with a minerological composition different from the others and an origin still unknown to researchers in the lands of England and Scotland.
There is a period of time, lasting 15 minutes before and 15 minutes after the start of Sunset on the 20th, that you can take advantage of to establish a more focused connection with the Cosmic Mother in this magical moment of changing Seasons.
Here at this link you can find the correct time, choosing your state and city in Brazil, and stay in Stillness for a few moments. https://stjerneskinn.com/nascer-do-sol.htm
The Cancer sign is associated with the Water Element, with emotions, imagination, ideals, empathy, everything that brings us belonging and security (Love and Family).
When managing real life, the position of the Square very close to Neptune radiates an energy giving the feeling of greater vulnerability, weakening of our foundations due to uncertainty about the individual and global future (whispers of wars), creating discouragement and a low immune system. (Viruses are possible, take a break).
Be careful to avoid filling these empty spaces, due to the lack of security, with the fog of imagination that projects deviations from the most beneficial Path to follow to maintain Compassion and Balance and avoid scandalous confusion in relationships.
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“If you are still concerned about the behavior of others, perhaps it is time to analyze why you are choosing to send your energy in that direction... take action and set your boundaries... look directly within. Why is it necessary to get involved in the drama? How would your involvement change the outcome?
Often, humans use drama as a distraction to avoid the Inner Work necessary to continue evolving.
The Universe gently tells you that there are many things to be done in preparation for the next Wave coming your way. Use this time as best you can and everything will be fine.”
“It is imperative to remember that you are guided and supported throughout the process. It can be a challenge to free yourself from the attachments of those who act out of character, say harmful things or move in your personal circles as victims. The best thing you can do for yourself and others, my dear child, is to send Love and know that everyone is being cared for in the highest and best way.” ~ (excerpts) Creator by Jennifer Farley
Vilma Capuano

source - facebook

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