"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence - Shifts occurring - 21.06.2024


Further to the ‘Incoming Energy’ post of earlier today…

THIS particular set of energies has ALSO corresponded WITH a COLLECTIVE LIGHT NODE POINT. We collectively move past Light Nodes (within the higher frequency light layered divine design) that can then get switched ‘on’. Meaning activated. This Light Node activated, has created/is creating, INDIVIDUAL SHIFTS to occur. I empathise this is individual yet collective. So as per your own path and own stages of embodiment.

I could feel the strength and vibrational patterns of today’s energies. But I didn’t know the significance of TODAY’S ENERGIES, until shown. I was called to sleep this afternoon. Two very separate ‘Learning Dreams’ showing basically the same thing. Shifts…

It’s wise to be inward facing and attentive to your own individual shift. In this way you get to understand more about it for you. Unless you’ve have pre-cognition in advance, that it would occur, in which case you understand to a certain degree for yourself. But again, be within it now, to be attentive to YOUR very early stages of this next and current expansion of ‘YOU’. I say ‘YOU’ but in truth there is no identity.

Any SHIFT is like being on YOUR next step of a stairway. It’s an opening of certain amounts of Light within your DNA. So it can be a little bit wobbly in a newly shifted ENERGETIC state, until you find your own way in it, as it. You allow these next early stages of ‘you’ and your path, to reveal more and more as you walk, and adapt into your newer version. So give yourself all the gentle time (days or weeks) you truly need, as you allow your expansion to become grounded in. Of sure ENERGETIC foundations laid.

So much Love always
21 June 2024
source - facebook

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