"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Richard Rudd - HUMANITY 2.0: Prepare YOURSELF for the NEXT EVOLUTION of MANKIND NOW!


This video was very interesting and worth watching if you have time and interest.

New mutation in a human DNA - become 3 strand - trinity, we drop one strand when we come to 3D.

"You not left behind, there´s just a pace at which you´re moving - trust in that pace"

"knowledge like fast food, wisdom needs time"

Gene keys - tracking and mapping the codes or consciousness that we live in. Fundamental set of patterns based on the number 64. - who you are, what your purpose, your shadow patterns, how to transform them into gift and into transcendent states. Basically is a cosmic code of consciousness.

His website - https://genekeys.com

If you interested you can create a free gene keys profile - https://genekeys.com/free-profile/

I did mine and it's a confirmation of what I knew about myself from my astrological birth chart and numerology, but it gave me more understanding and detailed what´s going in my life and inside me. The gene keys show our shadow self better and everything is really connected to everything, like a cheat code on what we should work on ourselves, what our task and lessons are in this life. One detailed gene keys number lecture in audio available for free user, you have to pay for the rest. If you subscribe to the website's newsletter, every week there is an audio about one gene code.

In this free profile you getting to know - your deepest purpose of your life, the greatest challenge of love, and prosperity. You get to know your Life´s work - what you here to do, Your evolution - what you here to learn, Your radiance - what keeps your healthy, Your purpose - what deeply fulfils you. 

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